Fx Track Pro MT4 – Gratis aflaai


Fx Track Pro MT4

Fx Track Pro Review

Fx Track Pro The fundamental plan is to purchase on dips and sell back in the direction of the medium-term trend in an effort to make a profit. We will gradually increase earnings while reducing losses by mixing various settlement circumstances. only one position on one side, avoids martingale, rooster, and other harmful trading strategies. Each transaction is secured by SL and TP, and the adviser frequently exits positions before the take profit or stop loss occurs.

Terminale MT4
Currency pair EURUSD
Tydraamwerk M5
Geldbestuur At least 100 currency units

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Fx Track Pro Setting

Fx Track Pro MT4


Testing on historical data was done using a deposit of $1,000 and a lot size of 0.1 set in the adviser's settings; if your deposit is $100, set the lot size to 0.01, accordingly.

Fx Track Pro MT4 - Free Download 9


Although there have been some unprofitable months, the EA has shown quite good results in back testing, earning 40% of the profit from the initial deposit over the past 7 maande. Hierdie, without a doubt, only strengthens the EA's belief that it can turn a profit on a live account because the work done in the tester is comparable to typical adequate work in reality.

Since most of the time when you use such an adviser on a real account, it simply drains the deposit, the fact is that such EAs are a fitting of results that works like this: Now, more and more fraudulent advisers are emerging that show incredible profits during back testing. When I see this, I immediately have great doubts about these advisers, and for good reason. A static array of tens of thousands of values that serve as reference points for earlier testing is included inside the EA.

This Expert Advisor, which we will examine today, appears to be a sufficient algorithm without fitting, measured trading that is concentrated on a single currency pair gives us honest results when tested against historical data. The adviser trades both profitably and does not conceal the fact that it causes losses during specific time periods.

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Before using an advisor on a real account, test it out on a demo or cent account to have a better understanding of how it functions. As, after at least two or three months, you find that it actually trades profitably, then use it on a real account.

Fx Track Pro Free Download

We highly recommend trying the Fx Track Pro for at least a week with ICMarket demo rekening. Ook, vergewis jouself van en verstaan ​​hoe hierdie stelsel werk voordat jy dit op 'n lewendige rekening gebruik.

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