Order Block Indicator MT4 V1.15


Order Block Indicator MT4 V1.15 2

Order Block Indicator MT4 Review

Order block indicator for MT4 gives fundamental data available construction. The indicator distinguishes significant trend inversions and energy depletion points.

In addition, the Order Block Indicator MT4 provides cautions whenever a trading signal is available so that forex traders can detect Bullish and Bearish value inversion zones and buy and sell accordingly.

The order block is characterized by the last Bearish light prior to a Bullish move, and vice versa. New traders, however, might gain information through training.

This indicator performs admirably in all intraday timeframes, as well as in the daily, weekly, and monthly value diagrams.

With Order Blocks, you can effectively and consequently see the order blocks of your advantage on your outline, and with only a few clicks you have all the information you need to work them.

فئة: Indicator
Platform: MT4
Currency Pair: All pairs
⏲︎Trading Time: All sessions
⏳ Timeframe: All timeframe
⭐️ Grade: B / ★★★★✩

قائمة أفضل الوسطاء

The Trader Tool works with any broker and any type of account, but we recommend our clients to use one of the كبار وسطاء الفوركس المدرجة أدناه:

اسم الوسيطيسجلسنة التأسيس مقرها الرئيسي تَأثِيرالحد الأدنى للإيداع تنظيم
Order Block Indicator MT4 V1.15 3يسجل2007
🇦🇺 أستراليا
🇨🇾 قبرص
🇧🇸 جزر البهاما
🇸🇿 سيشيل
1:1000$200أسيك, بنك التسليف والادخار, الجيش السوري الحر
Order Block Indicator MT4 V1.15 4يسجل2008
🇨🇾 قبرص
1:غير محدود$10سيسيك, هيئة الرقابة المالية, FSCA, الجيش السوري الحر, جزر فيرجن البريطانية
Order Block Indicator MT4 V1.15 5يسجل2009
🇧🇿 بليز
Order Block Indicator MT4 V1.15 6يسجل2009
🇧🇿 بليز
1:3000$1المنتدى الدولي للسلامة الكيميائية
Order Block Indicator MT4 V1.15 7يسجل2009
🇨🇾 قبرص
🇦🇺 أستراليا
🇧🇿 بليز
1:1000$5 أسيك, سيسيك , IFSC
Order Block Indicator MT4 V1.15 8يسجل2010
🇦🇺 أستراليا
1:500$200هيئة الرقابة المالية , أسيك, سلطة دبي للخدمات المالية
Order Block Indicator MT4 V1.15 9يسجل2011
🇬🇧 انجلترا
Order Block Indicator MT4 V1.15 10يسجل2006
🇪🇭 أيرلندا
1:400 $100البنك المركزي العراقي, الاستغلال الجنسي التجاري للأطفال, بسا, أسيك, بفيفسك, ففاج, سافسكا,سوق أبو ظبي العالمي, عيسى


Order Block Settings:

Order Block Setting MT4


In an exceptional option with Order Block Indicator MT4, you can find the nearest unadvertised order block of the day, and it will show the order block of lower time spans, offering you amazing trading chances and extremely precise passages.

You can receive automatic notifications for all order blocks of your choice without having to see the graph. Receive audible alerts on your MT4 and push notifications on your mobile device.

Identify the trend with Order Block

Order Block Indicator MT4 V1.15 11

The trend can be determined by examining the price action in any timeframe you wish. If the trend is bullish, you will get higher highs and higher lows. If the trend is bearish, you will get lower lows and lower highs.

In this bearish example case, you must place your pending order within the Order Block, including the spread of the symbol you are trading. The stop loss must be above the Order Block, and the take profit must be at the next structure point of liquidity.

Order Block Indicator Strategy

Bullish order blocks are drawn in NAVY BLUE, whereas Bearish order blocks are drawn in MAROON.
The Order Block Indicator MT4 also sends out notifications by message, sound, and push notifications. In the indicator settings, they can be entered according to the user's needs.

When the price reaches the Bullish order block, it suggests that a price reversal is probable. As a result, technical traders should search for a BUY entry position within the Bullish order block based on the price movement.

All technical indicators and technical trading systems that confirm support apply to the Bullish order block trading since it indicates strong support. Below the order block or the preceding swing low is the optimal stop loss.

Take-profit positions, on the other hand, are based on the risk-reward ratio or the nearest accessible resistance.

Forex traders should establish a SELL position if the price enters a Bearish order block, as the market is predicted to reverse. Within the Bearish zone, the optimal entry is dependent on price activity. The greatest results are obtained by placing the stop-loss above the order block or the preceding swing high.

Traders, on the other hand, should aim to book gains with a favorable risk-reward ratio.

Rather than a single line or a point, the order block is frequently a zone. As a result, forex traders should examine the Order Block Indicator result and respond accordingly inside the zone.
The break of the order block signals a possible trend reversal in the counter-trend direction. Order blocks that continue in the direction of the prior trend, on the other hand, are frequently more profitable and have a favorable risk-to-reward ratio.


Download Order Block Indicator MT4 :

We highly recommend trying this trading system for at least a week with الحساب التجريبي لـICMarket. أيضًا, familiarize yourself with and understand how this system works before using it on a live account.


Get Order Block MT4

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