Arbitrage ea Ole$ya


مرحبًا, I wished to speak about this arbitrage ea I discovered in a russian web site. I noticed it working actual time in a demo account and it was in a position to double the deposit in a single day. If u look in youtube The ea has wonderful outcomes. I'd say unbelievable outcomes, so unbelievable that it seems like a rip-off.

The primary drawback is the value if the ea which is 10,000$, and naturally I'm not going to pay such quantity for one thing I dont know if is gonna work on actual account.

The proprietor of The web site sells loads of eas, most of them I feel they've been cracked, not developed by himself.

I wish to know if anyone in right here has ever heard of this ea and if it really works on actual account. I discover slightly bit suspicious that the proprietor would not wish to ship an actual account investor password which makes me suppose is a rip-off. A really costly one, بالمناسبة التي.

Arbitrage ea Ole$ya 1

Temporary description of the parameters themselves:
- MaxDD - When beginning the skilled reads the stability on the account and if he drops by greater than these percentages will cease buying and selling
- مم - what share of the free margin on the account to incorporate when opening a place
- PipeName have to be the identical worth because the SA_Server equal
- ServerPairName - Used if there's a distinction within the naming of the instruments eg if we've got EURUSD and EURUSDsb as names in each brokers
- BidCorrection and AskCorrection are used if you wish to alter one thing on the quoted quotes
- ActionPips - the place the deviation of the value is entered within the place. على سبيل المثال, at worth 2, bota will purchase when Bid of the lead dealer has two pips of the present Ask.
- TargetPips and StopPips are configured based mostly on their very own style and threat sensation
- VirtualStops is best to not embrace as a result of the sliding slide will be way more highly effective than getting into the place. Simply with the dealer comfortable they're arrange as parameters and particularly if you're in a bunch of "educated and succesful" shoppers, you possibly can take loads of shit.
- ConfirmMS ultimately eliminates short-term jumps in value primarily attributable to issues with new variations of MT4
- SleepMS offers a break and a small "breath of air" for the processor
- Slippage and Magic are clear


Arbitrage ea Ole$ya 2


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