مؤشر أودنزد – طبعة مجانية


AUDNZD Indicator - Free Edition 1

مرحبًا أصدقاء ويكي الفوركس,

وصف مؤشر AUDNZD :

شرح مفصل :

في إشارة AUDNZD اليوم يمكننا أن نلاحظ.
1- المركبات العضوية المتطايرة بمب
2- المركبات العضوية المتطايرة-سونار
3- المركبات العضوية المتطايرة-مباحث أمن الدولة
4- مؤشرات المركبات العضوية المتطايرة كروس
5- أسهم تنبيهات المركبات العضوية المتطايرة

1- المركبات العضوية المتطايرة بمب:
"إذا كان VOC-PMB مناسبًا بشكل جيد على الرسم البياني، فإن التجارة تسير بشكل جيد وتعطي أرباحًا جيدة" this concept is 1st condition that trade fits in our PMB for that we can change bar numbers ranging from 150 ل 300 or more...to see big picture. once pmb fits in charts and defines each low nd highs of trend .
trade will having high probability of success.
if PMB doesnt fits well on chart then there is no good trade setup.
VOC-PMB i shared for free ,
those who are under estimating its value, they will understand how powerful this tool is if they practice it with following my instructons.
its our Frontline confirmation parameter to analyze any trade.
example these days Gbpusd,eurusd are not fitting well in pmb due to insane volatility so we are avoiding its trade.

2- VOC crossover Indicator:
if the VOC-crossover gives a crossover from upside down its a 95% confirm Signal if it Associated with PMB confirmation. voc pmb doesn't change its position when it produce signal non repaint.

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3,4- VOC-sonar and SSI
these 2 are core indicators that work together to define buys and sell zone confirmation
these are also non repaint
for strong sell signal these both must have touch sell zone and if the do a crossover at sell zone
VOCsonarSSI +VOC-PMB +VOC-crossover = 99% Confirm signal

5- VOC-Arrow alerts:
these Arrows are programmed to appear on VOC crossover and gives Sound and Email Alerts.
its role in Prosetup "VOC" Indicator is 1% but this Arrow does what 99% voc system can't do. i mean "Alerts" . once Arrow appear on cross over it also dont change its position until next VOCcrossover.

AUDNZD Indicator - Free Edition 2

From this image
if you have received VOC-PMB
that i have been sending out to ProSetup Traders .
you will notice

AUDNZD Indicator - Free Edition 3

AUDNZD Indicator - Free Edition 4
when VOC-PMB fits on chart.

After the price touch any of PMB boundary ,market moves from there.
sell entry best condition is when the
1- PMB at upper boundary
2- VOC crosses over from upward down
3-sonarSSI both reach on sell zone line before signal appearance

Once you see sonarSSI in any action zone,get ready for good trend movement .i trade it on H1 and H4 timeframe. works in all pairs Even commodities and Stocks.
VOC gives 1,2 signals a week each pair. when VOC and sonarSSI both agrees it gives 95% sure trend direction
we can only Take trade when these above mentioned VOC conditions will in form
i will Elaborate more on "VOC" Indicator later.

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VOC Indicator consist of
المركبات العضوية المتطايرة بمب
المركبات العضوية المتطايرة-مباحث أمن الدولة
VOC-crossover alerts arrows
VOC-crossover Indicator

AUDNZD Indicator - Free Edition 5
NB: for those who intend to use this indicator must understand basics of price action and this help you not fall prey to the repainting arrows which may show on the charts. The arrow does repaint, but when a perfect setup appears, you will make more profitable trades; more often than not, capturing more enduring trends.
you may also have to master the act of trailing stop loss. for this you can download Rayner Teo's video on how to use the ATR to set stop Loss


Download AUDNZD Indicator :


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