نظام الفوركس البطن MT4 – نظام تداول مربح مجاني (تحديث)


Belly Forex System MT4 - Free Profitable Trading System (Update) 2

Belly Forex System Review

Belly Forex System Vs1 –is a trading system based on renko chart with the purpose of filtering all market noise (التلاعب والمسامير).
النظام يعمل تحت 2 أطر زمنية مختلفة وقد تختلف الإعدادات وفقًا لأسلوب المتداول (المستغل, تاجر اليوم, وتاجر التأرجح والموقف). The settings can be done by changing the EA configurations.

اسم: Belly Forex System vs1
صالة: MT4
دقة: 85%- 95% depending on traders' RR-Ratio.
الأطر الزمنية: H4-Candlesticks chart where the EA will be plotted and running
M2- offline chart where the system will run and generate buy and sell signals.
OBS: The H4 timeframe will work together with the M2 timeframe.


قائمة أفضل الوسطاء

The Belly Forex System works with any broker and any type of account, لكننا نوصي عملائنا باستخدام أحد أفضل وسطاء الفوركس المدرجة أدناه:

اسم الوسيطيسجلسنة التأسيس مقرها تَأثِيرالحد الأدنى للإيداع التنظيم
Belly Forex System MT4 - Free Profitable Trading System (Update) 3يسجل2007
🇦🇺 Australia
🇨🇾 Cyprus
🇧🇸 The Bahamas
🇸🇿 Seychelles
1:1000$200أسيك, SCB, FSA
Belly Forex System MT4 - Free Profitable Trading System (Update) 4يسجل2008
🇨🇾 Cyprus
1:غير محدود$10CySEC, FCA, FSCA, FSA, جزر فيرجن البريطانية
Belly Forex System MT4 - Free Profitable Trading System (Update) 5يسجل2009
🇧🇿 Belize
Belly Forex System MT4 - Free Profitable Trading System (Update) 6يسجل2009
🇧🇿 Belize
Belly Forex System MT4 - Free Profitable Trading System (Update) 7يسجل2009
🇨🇾 Cyprus
🇦🇺 Australia
🇧🇿 Belize
🇦🇪 Emirates
1:1000$5 أسيك, CySEC , IFSC
Belly Forex System MT4 - Free Profitable Trading System (Update) 8يسجل2010
🇦🇺 Australia
1:500$200FCA , أسيك, سلطة دبي للخدمات المالية
Belly Forex System MT4 - Free Profitable Trading System (Update) 9يسجل2011
🇬🇧 England
Belly Forex System MT4 - Free Profitable Trading System (Update) 10يسجل2006
🇪🇭 Ireland
1:400 $100CBI, CSEC, PFSA, أسيك, BVIFSC, فج, SAFSCA,ADGM, هو

Belly Forex System Setting


 Due to the fact that Mt4 or even MT5 don’t offer M2 as the default chart and the system can’t run without an M2 timeframe. So we recur to PERIOD CONVERTING PROCESS. This is step number 1.

خطوة 1:

Use the default script to convert or to generate M2 Timeframe on MT4 or MT5.
 Open navigator and go to script and there will be the period converter script.

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 Drag the script to your chart (can be any chart you want) and do the settings.

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Belly Forex System MT4 - Free Profitable Trading System (Update) 13

The default value is 3, we change it to 2- which means we make available the M2 Timeframe and click ok. Then it’s all done.

خطوة 2:

Open the candlestick chart that we want to Trade
1. For currencies:
المستغل: Renko box size _1 or 2, Timeframe 1Hour or 4 ساعات.
Day trader: Renko box size _4 or 5, إطار زمني 4 hours or 1 يوم.
Swing trader: Renko box size _10 or 15, Timeframe 1day or 1 أسبوع.
2. For high volatility assets (ذهب, فضة, nas, SMP, إلخ.)
المستغل: Renko box size _50, Timeframe 4hours.
Day trader: Renko box size _100, Timeframe 1day.
Swing trader: Renko box size _200, Timeframe 1week.

 Open the chart you want to trade according to your style and asset class
مثال: I want to trade on gold (XAU / دولار أمريكي) and I am a day trader. ( I will use Renko box size _100, Timeframe 1day).
1. Open the gold chart in a 1D timeframe.
2. Drag the Renko EA on your chart (Renko live chart pimped)

Belly Forex System MT4 - Free Profitable Trading System (Update) 14


1- Box size according to your style.
2- Show wicks put (خطأ شنيع)

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OBS: the settings must be done on the chart you want to trade.

Once you done the settings and click ok you will see this information on top somewhere on your chart

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Now the Renko EA is running on your chart and to open the Renko chart you need to follow the instruction on the panel.

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1. Go on FILE;
2. Open offline

Once you click open offline you will open a list with a bunch of assets in a different timeframe
Then you must look for the particular currency or just asset you running the RENKO EA and open the M2 TIMEFRAME

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Open the chart with a double click and you will open the M2 Timeframe.
OBS: the price will move on M2 once the candlesticks chart is open, don’t close the Candlesticks chart that is running the EA.

After clicking the M2 offline chart you will open this chart.

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And the final step is to open the Belly Forex System.

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HOW THE SYSTEM Work The Belly Forex System

The system work based on Renko EA that filter all the market noise and it’s composed of advanced tool such as:

Daily dynamic

Belly Forex System MT4 - Free Profitable Trading System (Update) 21

Daily dynamic is the trend calculator that measures the power between bulls and bears and provides information on the overall market direction of the particular asset (smart money and dumb money).

Candlestick direction

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Candlestick direction shows the information of the market in terms of different candlesticks on different time frames, this information can be useful when traders don’t want to focus on the candlestick chart and only want to focus on the system.

Currency straight gria
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This tool measures the strength of two currencies, or the stronger and the weaker currencies.


Arrows Up arrows 1

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سهم 1, it’s for alert it warns you about a reversal
سهم 2, will confirm the sell signal

Down arrows 2

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سهم 1, it’s for alert it warns you about a reversal
سهم 2, will confirm the buy signal


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Market cycle and winner trend are just to confirm and follow the market movement, sometimes they leg but don’t affect the system performance.


Belly System Forex تنزيل مجاني

We highly recommend trying the Belly Forex System Fأو على الأقل أسبوع مع حساب تجريبي لـ ICMarket. أيضًا, تعرف على كيفية عمل هذا النظام وافهمه قبل استخدامه على حساب حقيقي.

Get Belly Forex System MT4

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مؤلف: فريق ويكي الفوركس
نحن فريق من متداولي الفوركس ذوي الخبرة العالية [2000-2023] الذين يكرسون أنفسهم لعيش الحياة بشروطنا الخاصة. هدفنا الأساسي هو تحقيق الاستقلال المالي والحرية, وتابعنا التعليم الذاتي واكتسبنا خبرة واسعة في سوق الفوركس كوسيلة لتحقيق أسلوب حياة مستدام ذاتيًا.