Double Bollinger Rubber Band

This is a shopping for and promoting idea primarily based off extreme actions away from bollinger bands. Tge determine comes from the reality that value tends to snap once more to the suggest equivalent to a rubber band being stretched

I've checked out it solely on GJ and GU.

Setup: On a 1 hour GJ chart, add bollinger bands (14) with deviation of 1 (أرجواني) and as soon as extra with deviation of 2 (navy), every set to the shut.

Promote signal: Value crosses the uppermost navy BB As quickly because it has moved 20 pips away from the BB, enter at market. Stop positioned 20 pips above the promote. Exit when value touches the upper purple BB.

شراء إشارة: Value crosses the lower navy BB. As quickly because it has moved 20 pips away from the BB, enter at market. Stop positioned 20 pips below the acquisition. Exit when value touches the lower purple BB.

This appears to work pretty successfully when value is trending and spikes out of its fluctuate and upon the first breakout following a BB sqeeze (ie when the BB have narrowed then enhance as value explosively strikes signalling a sample).

Avoid when value is trending strongly in each route (hugging the navy BBs making successive highs/lows.

صورة مرفقة (click on on to enlarge)
Upon bettering your method try learning this BB pdf. Do you see one thing fascinating?
Attached Info
File Type: rar Bollinger Band factors to reinforce your BB method.rar 261 كيلو بايت | 10 التحميلات
File Type: pdf Bollinger On Bollinger Bands.pdf 256 كيلو بايت | 24 التحميلات
Attached Info
File Type: ex4 AdaptiveBollingerBandsMt4.ex4 24 كيلو بايت | 8 التحميلات
File Type: ex4 Bollinger Bands P.c b.ex4 23 كيلو بايت | 7 التحميلات
File Type: ex4 Bollinger P.c Bandwidth.ex4 23 كيلو بايت | 7 التحميلات
File Type: ex4 Distinctive Bollinger Free.ex4 18 كيلو بايت | 8 التحميلات
File Type: ex4 Assist and resistance bands.ex4 36 كيلو بايت | 10 التحميلات

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