the right way to begin fibo fan pattern?
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Excuse my english, my intention is to share this commerce technique utilized in M15 with the unique fibo fan software of the mt4 platform.
we'd like two fibo fan blue and pink

we'd like two fibo fan:

blue fibo fan to up pattern
pink fibo fan to down pattern

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Name: construccion fibo 1.png
Size: 52 KB
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Name: construccion fibo 2.png
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Name: new fibo.jpg
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please solely use fibonacci Fan

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Name: retornos ejemplo.png
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pink fibo fan to down pattern
blue fibo fan to up pattern

pattern fibo fan for all merchants on 2 years research foreign exchange

1 we search for cross line fibos
2 good cross on 61%
3 purchase cross fibo fan line pink
4 promote cross fibo fan line blue
5 run fibo stage 100, 78, 61.8, 50, 38.2, 23.6, 0, -23.6, -38.2, -50, -61.8, -78

i m not a foreign exchange instructor so please research and commerce.
begin solely on a demo account.

I do not wish to make this thread actually strict and deal with individuals like kids. Should you resolve you wish to act like an ahole or Dbag I'll take away you

يقرأ  MACD Simple Cross System

at this time begin

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Name: EURUSDM15 start 3.png
Size: 77 KB Click to Enlarge

Name: EURUSDM15 start 4.png
Size: 66 KB Click to Enlarge

Name: EURUSDM15 start 5.png
Size: 53 KB

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