FX Venom Pro – Get 50-120 Pips Everyday


FX Venom Pro is a buying and selling system designed to make all merchants on the planet wealthy. Are you able to think about a 50-120 pips of revenue daily? We want to consider what to spend this cash! And all this for simply $27 (do not be scared, it is free right here). Why so low-cost for the Grail? تمام, sufficient irony. Now intimately concerning the FX Venom Pro.

The system is made within the traditional model - it's a sign indicator (pink/blue arrows and bands), an extra filter within the type of an info dashboard situated within the higher proper nook. It's this mixture of indicators is commonly extra acceptable. في نفس الوقت, the system seems to be quite simple and never overloaded with pointless components. It may possibly even be utilized by a novice dealer.

Traits of the FX Venom Pro

  • منصة: ميتاتريدر 4
  • أزواج العملات الأجنبية: أي
  • بيع وشراء الوقت: على مدار الساعة
  • إطار زمني: M1-WN
  • تاجر ينصح به: XM, Forex4you, FBS

Templates of the FX Venom Pro

Fairly often one has to cope with indicators and methods through which builders dispense dangers, relying on the buying and selling type of the dealer. This high quality has many of the indicators of Karl Dittmann, equivalent to FX Atom Pro, Pattern Thriller, Foreign exchange Millennium و اخرين. FX Venom Pro additionally has 3 templates with various levels of danger:

FXV_RISK1 - has the least danger. Indicators much less, however they're higher filtered.

FXV_RISK2 - common danger. Essentially the most balanced possibility, appropriate generally for the day buying and selling.

FXV_RISK3 - for lovers tickle nerves. That is the template with essentially the most indicators for quick buying and selling with excessive danger. Just for skilled merchants!

Buying and selling Guidelines

BUY Sign:

  1. A blue up arrow and a blue band seem.
  2. Pattern info dashboard exhibits 3 blue bars T1, T2 and T3:


Shut a place when an reverse sign seems - a pink arrow and a pink band.

SELL Sign:

  1. A pink down arrow and a pink band seem.
  2. Pattern info dashboard exhibits 3 pink bars T1, T2 and T3:


Shut the place when the blue arrow and the blue band seem.

Trades which have solely 1-2 pink bars (for SELL sign), usually are not all the time shedding one, they're merely extra dangerous ones. Even the foremost pattern on the best timeframes has to show again someplace and this can be this second. In case you determine to commerce with solely 1-2 bars affirmation, use a smaller lot. You can too set a tighter Cease Loss:


We will additionally discover on the above instance that the commerce generated a small quantity of pips (it was most likely only a pullback of a better pattern).

On this video, examples of indicators are proven extra clearly:

Cease Loss order needs to be positioned at:

  • the final swing excessive (لتعزيز التجارة) or on the final swing low (for purchase trades)


  • the closest help/resistance degree (إذا أغلقت)

As you'll be able to see, not costly paid methods could be very worthwhile. Not all the time the best worth an indicator of top quality. This precept applies to buying and selling methods.

Within the archive Fx_Venom_Pro.rar (2.67 ميغا بايت):

  • FXVDA1.ex4
  • FXVDA2.ex4
  • FXVDA3.ex4
  • FXVEN1.ex4
  • FXVEN2.ex4
  • FXVEN3.ex4
  • FXV_RISK1.tpl
  • FXV_RISK2.tpl
  • FXV_RISK3.tpl
  • FXVENOMPRO - Person Guide.pdf

Free Obtain FX Venom Pro



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نحن فريق من متداولي الفوركس ذوي الخبرة العالية [2000-2023] الذين يكرسون أنفسهم لعيش الحياة بشروطنا الخاصة. هدفنا الأساسي هو تحقيق الاستقلال المالي والحرية, وتابعنا التعليم الذاتي واكتسبنا خبرة واسعة في سوق الفوركس كوسيلة لتحقيق أسلوب حياة مستدام ذاتيًا.