نظام التداول الموسمي ذو الاحتمالية العالية (HPTSS)

Hiya expensive merchants. I need to share with you one attention-grabbing subject for commerce with the
utility of seasonality.

For those who evaluate monetary markets, such because the international trade market and the products
سوق, then I can say with confidence that the seasonal issue works greatest on the
commodity sector. Seasonal basic elements are the principle elements for taking
additional motion. على سبيل المثال, they embody the durations of planting and harvesting, ال
automobile interval, the pre-Christmas interval of demand for treasured metals and different related

However buying and selling in direct futures contracts continues to be dangerous. Methods to shield your self
in opposition to potential losses and assured to earn each month for an prolonged interval?
On this case we shall be helped by extra complicated artificial constructions, comparable to
calendar الهوامش, butterflies, crash spreads and others. هكذا, we artificially kind a
monetary asset shifting within the hall, and likewise confirming our actions with you and
the seasonal interval from which the commodity itself relies upon very a lot.

صورة متصلة (انقر للتكبير)

على سبيل المثال, I need to present you a chart of a butterfly on one in all commodity futures.
As you may see for fairly a while, the graph appears like a hall. هكذا, it is rather
simple to commerce from the boundaries of this hall, utilizing the best approach alongside
with the indicator of Bollinger.

صورة متصلة (انقر للتكبير)
Click to Enlarge

Name: example 2.png
Size: 147 KB

And along with this hall, we are able to use the data on seasonality for this
butterfly unfold. At what time period this unfold is extra vulnerable to downgrade
or to progress we can be taught solely from the durations of seasonality and
statistics for a sure time period with the assistance of the MoneyProfit useful resource.

Essentially the most attention-grabbing is that the likelihood of profitable buying and selling with the
utility of this method is above 80%.

And it is value noting that the product is extra predictable than the identical forex
زوج, as many elements have an effect on the forex, which can't be stated about commodities.

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مؤلف: فريق ويكي الفوركس
نحن فريق من متداولي الفوركس ذوي الخبرة العالية [2000-2023] الذين يكرسون أنفسهم لعيش الحياة بشروطنا الخاصة. هدفنا الأساسي هو تحقيق الاستقلال المالي والحرية, وتابعنا التعليم الذاتي واكتسبنا خبرة واسعة في سوق الفوركس كوسيلة لتحقيق أسلوب حياة مستدام ذاتيًا.