Indicador MTN de Forex


Forex MTN is a momentum-based indicator which is greatest identified for signaling the overbought and oversold situation of the market. Además, este indicador también genera alertas de compra / promoción y guía a sus usuarios a través del nivel de salida comercial también. Its simplicity of sign demonstrations provides nice help for the beginner merchants who wrestle to outline the market pattern with the required stage of accuracy.

Forex MTN matches greatest with short-term timeframe charts like M1 to M15 thus, works higher for scalping and intraday buying and selling functions. Además, this indicator will be utilized to commerce any foreign exchange foreign money pairs or monetary property out there on the markets.


When you’re achieved with the set up of this indicator at your foreign exchange MT4 terminal, su gráfico de compra y venta se parecerá a la siguiente imagen:

Forex MTN Overview


Fx MTN makes use of a separate indicator window to sign the attainable momentum standing of the market. Its worth reaches above 12 means market is within the overbought situation. A purple dot seems in such situation alerts the promote entry on the market. Sin embargo, its worth reaches under -12 means the oversold situation of the market. A blue dot seems in such an oversold situation represents a really perfect time to go for the lengthy entry.


Forex MTN Buy Parameters

  • Fx MTN worth reaches under -12
  • Fx MTN plots blue dot on the oversold situation of the market
  • However triggers when the above situations are met
  • Establecer un cese de pérdidas bajo el mínimo actual del mercado.
  • Exit lengthy/take revenue each time the indicator worth reaches above 12 with a purple dot on the prime


Forex MTN Sell Parameters

  • Fx MTN worth reaches above 12
  • The indicator plots purple dot on the overbought situation of the market
  • Promover disparadores cuando se cumplan las situaciones anteriores
  • Establecer el límite de pérdidas por encima del máximo actual del mercado.
  • Exit brief/take revenue each time the indicator worth reaches under -12 with a blue dot on the backside



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Autor: Equipo Wiki de Forex
Somos un equipo de comerciantes de Forex altamente experimentados [2000-2023] que se dedican a vivir la vida en nuestros propios términos. Nuestro principal objetivo es lograr la independencia financiera y la libertad., y hemos buscado la autoeducación y adquirido una amplia experiencia en el mercado Forex como nuestro medio para lograr un estilo de vida autosostenible..