Gann Intraday System


Gann sq. buying and selling system

Submit by Gugliemo


Timeframe 60min;

Forex pairs:cualquier.


Gann intraday Buying and selling System Metatrader indicators:


Guidelines for Gann sq. buying and selling system



within the blue grid solely earlier than 67°,

within the orange grid solely earlier than 90°.



within the blue grid solely earlier than 90°

within the orange grid solely earlier than 67°.

Lengthy Entry

1)The value within the grid on the earlier ranges;

2) Gann Hilo Activator compra;

3) Ultratrend orange line <ultratrend blue line .


Brief Entry

1)The value within the grid on the earlier ranges;

2) Gann Hilo Activator Promover;

3) Ultratrend orange line >ultratrend blue line .


Exit place:

1)Cuando Gann Hilo activator revese place;

2)On ranges subsequent degree of the grid sq.;

3) revenue Goal 12-20 pips dends by foreign money pairs;

Cease loss 5 pips above or under field grid.


Gann Intraday System

Gann Intraday System
Gann Intraday System
Gann Intraday System
Gann Intraday System

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