El adicto a los indicadores de Forex


Efectivamente déjame corregir eso...... INDICADOR EX JUNCKY!

Me gustaban los indicadores, Me gustaban tanto que tengo 1000 y 1000 en mi PC.
Incluso si no comerciaba con ellos, todavía me interesan., No tengo idea si fue.... los colores..... the truth that I
like to investigate the best way they work...however no matter it was I've quite a bit in inventory The Forex Indicator Juncky 1

I'll begin posting them right here with a pic and publish there coder if identified. And the easiest way to commerce them(for my part) time allowing.
You're welcome to touch upon them and ask your questions so me or different members can reply them.

So right here it's ...... INDICATORAMA!!!


Reemplazar: 15 Julio 2015

Anybody that wishes can add there indicators right here on this thread can, with the next circumstances:

1. They guarantee that the indications work and don't have any errors

2. They add a choose of the indicator

This may preserve the standard of the thread at a degree so members don't obtain indicators that don't work or
they obtain indicators they have already got.



I'm going to begin with the work of considered one of my favourite coders Waddah Attar.

Right here under is:

a.Waddah Attar ADXxBollinger

b.Waddh Attar Pattern

c.Waddah Attar Explosion

The final one was my favourite for lots of years


Fotos de Enganchados (haga clic en para agrandar)
Click to Enlarge

Name: EURUSDH1.png
Size: 27 KB Click to Enlarge

Name: EURUSDH12.png
Size: 28 KB Click to Enlarge

Name: EURUSDH13.png
Size: 31 KB
Listed below are 2 Murray Math indocators

Murrey Math Modified

MML Multi Possibility v1.24 He


Fotos de Enganchados (haga clic en para agrandar)
Click to Enlarge

Name: MURRAYM.png
Size: 28 KB Click to Enlarge

Name: MUURAYM2.png
Size: 34 KB
Información conectada
File Type: ex4 Murrey_Math_Modified1.ex4 20 KB | 680 descargas
File Type: mq4 MML_Multi_Option_v1.24 He.mq4 28 KB | 629 descargas
File Type: ex4 MML_Multi_Option_v1.24 He.ex4 30 KB | 593 descargas
Información conectada
File Type: mq4 Waddah_Attar_ADXxBollinger.mq4 2 KB | 905 descargas
File Type: mq4 Waddah_Attar_Trend.mq4 3 KB | 987 descargas
File Type: mq4 MTF_Waddah_Attar_ExplosionSA.mq4 10 KB | 1,028 obtener

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Autor: Equipo Wiki de Forex
Somos un equipo de comerciantes de Forex altamente experimentados [2000-2023] que se dedican a vivir la vida en nuestros propios términos. Nuestro principal objetivo es lograr la independencia financiera y la libertad., y hemos buscado la autoeducación y adquirido una amplia experiencia en el mercado Forex como nuestro medio para lograr un estilo de vida autosostenible..