Indicadores v2v

This thread is ONLY for set indicators made, modified or fused by v2v
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*Heiken Ashi (JA) Common Worth Bars ※

☛ Utilizing non-lag Hull Transferring Common algorithm
☛ With Jurik Smoothing/Filter ─ The "J Fácil" heiken ashi (JSHA) barras

※ Neural Community ─ Hull Transferring Common (HMA) & Común de transferencia escalado por desviación (DSMA) ※

☛ Makes use of HMA algorithm however this one is a variation from low-lag to zero-lag
after which... fusionado con el siguiente:

☛ Jurik Filters/Smoothing and customized MA sorts
☛ Mixed with Deviation-Scaled Transferring Common Algorithm
☛ Superior & Finest Formulation (Más alto & Cálculo de APB)

※ Lengthy & Brief Deviation-Scaled Transferring Common (DSMA) ※

☛ Con Suavizado/Filtro Jurik
☛ Utilizing non-lag Hull Transferring Common algorithm


☛ In the mean time, it switches from Weekly - Mes a mes - and OFF Pivots solely
☛ Button state retention

with... Volumes on Essential Chart indicator really helpful for indicator set off, replace motion and button state retention. y Tesla OMA

☝ I cannot present any kind of assist like coding (junto con el código de suministro) y servicio de resolución de problemas.

On methods to use these indicators will rely by yourself utmost eager statement, debida diligencia, comprensión, y prerrogativa. ; )─

✍ I am utilizing these indicators as an additional software as soon as I've made my very own or perceived elementary bias/understanding... These instruments assist me to establish the Worth inflection factors, confluencia de patrones, and its chart construction for correct or well-defined entries and exit factors.

☢ There aren't any ensures that every one these indicators shared right here work completely or with out errors. Por lo tanto, utilizar bajo su amenaza individual; Me conformo con no tener responsabilidad legal por daños al sistema, pérdidas monetarias e incluso falta de vida. ; )─

6:39 PM
Viernes, 19 Octubre 2018
Tiempo implícito de Greenwich (GMT)

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File Type: zip 1.2 MEGABYTE | 43 descargas | Subido en octubre 19, 2018 2:40pm
Intelligence is the power to adapt to vary. -- Stephen Hawking

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