CloseAll EA MT4 : A Must-Have Tool for Effective Forex Trading


CloseAll EA Review

En el mundo del trading de Forex, managing transactions in a volatile market can be a challenge. Traders often seek tools to help them maneuver through the market more effectively, especially during high volatility periods and significant news events. Enter the Closing All Orders Expert Advisor, commonly known as CloseAll EA.

CloseAll EA is a modern and comprehensive tool tailored for those who need instant solutions to close various types of trades. Often compared to a "swiss-army kit," it provides traders with multiple functionalities suitable for different scenarios.

Versión: V1.2
Terminal: MT4
Año de emisión: 2023
Parejas de trabajo: ESO
Plazo recomendado: ESO

Lista de mejores corredores

CloseAll EA works with any broker and any type of account, pero recomendamos a nuestros clientes utilizar uno de los principales corredores de divisas enumerados a continuación:

NOMBRE DEL CORREDORREGISTROaño de fundación Con sede AprovecharDepósito mínimo Regulando
CloseAll EA MT4 : A Must-Have Tool for Effective Forex Trading 2
🇨🇾 Chipre
🇧🇸 Las Bahamas
1:1000$200asico, SCB, FSA
CloseAll EA MT4 : A Must-Have Tool for Effective Forex Trading 3Registro2008
🇨🇾 Chipre
1:Ilimitado$10CySEC, FCA, FSCA, FSA, Islas Vírgenes Británicas
CloseAll EA MT4 : A Must-Have Tool for Effective Forex Trading 4Registro2009
🇧🇿 Belice
CloseAll EA MT4 : A Must-Have Tool for Effective Forex Trading 5Registro2009
🇧🇿 Belice
CloseAll EA MT4 : A Must-Have Tool for Effective Forex Trading 6Registro2009
🇨🇾 Chipre
🇧🇿 Belice
🇦🇪 Emiratos
1:1000$5 asico, CySEC , IFSC
CloseAll EA MT4 : A Must-Have Tool for Effective Forex Trading 7Registro2010
1:500$200FCA , asico, DFSA
CloseAll EA MT4 : A Must-Have Tool for Effective Forex Trading 8Registro2011
🇬🇧 Inglaterra
CloseAll EA MT4 : A Must-Have Tool for Effective Forex Trading 9Registro2006
🇪🇭 Irlanda
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CloseAll EA Settings:

CloseAll EA MT4 : A Must-Have Tool for Effective Forex Trading 10

Main Features

  1. Close All Transactions: Simplifying the trading process, CloseAll ensures that users can instantly close all ongoing trades with just one click.
  2. Selective Closing Options: Depending on the trader's strategy, they can choose to close only buy or sell transactions or can close transactions based on a specific chart pair.
  3. Advanced Control Over Trades: CloseAll is not just about closing transactions. Users can also delete or modify all Take Profit (TP) y detener la pérdida (SL) niveles, providing more flexibility to their trading plan.
  4. Manage Pending Orders: It also gives users the ability to clear all pending orders, ensuring that no unwanted trades get executed.
  5. Robot and EA Control: An essential feature for those who use trading robots or Expert Advisors (EA). With CloseAll, they can simultaneously close all trades and disable the auto-trading function, ensuring that the EAs don't open new trades until reactivated.

How to Use CloseAll EA

  • Kill: A quick action button that halts all transactions and deactivates the auto trading function.
  • SL and TP Controls: Set the Stop Loss (SL) o sacar provecho (TP) level for all trades. The level corresponds to the number displayed next to the respective button. The adjacent "x" button allows clearing of all set levels.
  • CloseAll Button: A straightforward option to close all transactions instantly.
  • Close PO: Useful for clearing all pending orders, ensuring no unwanted trades take place.
  • Close Pair: An excellent tool for pair traders. It allows the user to close transactions for only the pair that matches the chart to which CloseAll EA is attached.
  • Close Buy/Sell: For more specific actions, users can close only buy or sell positions of the pair that aligns with the chart where CloseAll EA is active.
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In Conclusion

CloseAll EA is a quintessential tool for every Forex trader. Its multi-functionality, combined with user-friendliness, makes it a reliable companion in the complex realm of Forex trading. Whether you are a newbie or a seasoned trader, having CloseAll in your arsenal ensures you're always a step ahead in managing your trades.

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Descargo de responsabilidad: El comercio de divisas implica riesgos sustanciales, incluido el potencial de pérdida de capital. Consulte siempre con un asesor financiero profesional y realice una investigación exhaustiva antes de tomar cualquier decisión comercial.

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Autor: Equipo Wiki de Forex
Somos un equipo de traders de Forex altamente experimentados. [2000-2023] que nos dedicamos a vivir la vida en nuestros propios términos. Nuestro objetivo principal es lograr independencia y libertad financiera., y hemos buscado la autoeducación y adquirido una amplia experiencia en el mercado Forex como nuestro medio para lograr un estilo de vida autosostenible..