robot ciber22 – Gran beneficio


Esa es mi contribución por haber descubierto bastante de diferentes miembros de la mesa de discusión compartiendo sus ideas..

Codifiqué un robot para ese sistema.. Desea que se utilicen las indicaciones que se pueden compartir allí. I don't add them right here once more.
abrí 28 gráficos (M15, todos los pares primarios) and hooked up the shared M15 template and the EA as nicely with default settings.
The indications are repainting however however it appears to be system. We are able to strive collectively.
I didn't restrict the robotic in any means. No expiration as nicely. There are too many individuals promoting right here!
I don't promise something: No 20% a month and never 8% un día. Perhaps it loses like a lot of the others. No lo sé!
However it's no martingale and no grid like a lot of the others.
I want all of us a worthwhile buying and selling.
And lots of because of Cyber22 the creator of the system!


Cyber22 Robot - Great Profit 1

By default the trades are being closed on "showing of an reverse arrow" o "Worth touches the goal TMA line". You may also set to "shut on a revenue relative to lotsize" o "shut on an reverse opening"

Cyber22 Robot - Great Profit 2

Cyber22 Robot - Great Profit 3

Cyber22 Robot - Great Profit 4


PD : if The EA doesn't commerce actually because the standards have to fulfill. When you commerce with all 28 pairs you'll have some trades per day.
The Threat setting is about to "0". Which means mounted heaps are used. When you set Threat to a different worth, lot dimension will probably be calculated from account stability. Please strive it out.
When you enhance "MaxTrades" there must be opened a commerce with each arrow that appeares when standards are met till the maximal variety of trades inserted.
I simply do this out as a result of there are typically higher alternatives after the primary commerce opened.
However *not* on a dwell account!



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