Asesor experto Bluefish Engine “Sistema de correlación de dos pares”


Expert Advisor Bluefish Engine "Two Pairs Correlation System" 1

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Asesor experto Bluefish Engine descripción :

Expert Advisor Bluefish Engine "Two Pairs Correlation System" 2


EA Bluefish Engine es un asesor experto en forex que utiliza un 2 sistema de correlación de pares, dónde EA tomará una posición cuando el mercado experimente "Fuera de control". This EA is an updated version of the Two Pairs FTL EA with improved signal triggers for open positions and also improvements to close all orders.

en estadística, correlación es una relación medible entre dos cantidades a la vez. Los valores de correlación generalmente oscilan entre -1 y 1. Correlation -1 significa que los dos pares tienen una relación negativa perfecta, meaning that the pair moves in the opposite direction. Si uno de ellos sube, the other one will go down. Negative correlations can also be more than -1 with the same tendency as -1 (cuanto menor sea el valor de correlación negativa, the greater the difference). Examples of negative correlated pairs are EUR / USD y USD / CHF.

En cambio, una correlación de 1 means that the two pairs have a perfect positive relationship, where they move in almost the same direction. Si un par sube, el otro par también subirá. Si el valor de correlación positiva es mayor que 1, then both pairs tend to move in the same direction (cuanto mayor sea el valor de correlación positiva, the closer and more accurate the similarity of motion). Examples of pairs with positive correlations are EUR / USD y GBP / Dólar estadounidense.

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Punto de entrada
1. Minimum gap between 2 se deben alcanzar los pares
2. Stochastic play and stochastic signal to trigger

Punto de salida
Salir del comercio por TP oculto y SL oculto

How it works EA Bluefish Engine Miner

Requisito de corredor :

NOMBRE DEL CORREDORREGISTROaño de fundación Con sede AprovecharDepósito mínimo Regulando
Expert Advisor Bluefish Engine "Two Pairs Correlation System" 3Registro2007
🇨🇾 Chipre
🇧🇸 Las Bahamas
1:1000$200asico, SCB, FSA
Expert Advisor Bluefish Engine "Two Pairs Correlation System" 4Registro2008
🇨🇾 Chipre
1:Ilimitado$10CySEC, FCA, FSCA, FSA, Islas Vírgenes Británicas
Expert Advisor Bluefish Engine "Two Pairs Correlation System" 5Registro2009
🇧🇿 Belice
Expert Advisor Bluefish Engine "Two Pairs Correlation System" 6Registro2009
🇧🇿 Belice
Expert Advisor Bluefish Engine "Two Pairs Correlation System" 7Registro2009
🇨🇾 Chipre
🇧🇿 Belice
🇦🇪 Emiratos
1:1000$5 asico, CySEC , IFSC
Expert Advisor Bluefish Engine "Two Pairs Correlation System" 8Registro2010
1:500$200FCA , asico, DFSA
Expert Advisor Bluefish Engine "Two Pairs Correlation System" 9Registro2011
🇬🇧 Inglaterra
Expert Advisor Bluefish Engine "Two Pairs Correlation System" 10Registro2006
🇪🇭 Irlanda


Expert Advisor Bluefish Engine "Two Pairs Correlation System" 11

Bluefish Engine Display

Expert Advisor Bluefish Engine "Two Pairs Correlation System" 12

PC brecha (Correlacion positiva) is a gap used for open trigger signals in pairs of pairs that are positively correlated, whereas GAP NC (negative correlation) is a gap used for open trigger signals in pairs of pairs that are negatively correlated.

Expert Advisor Bluefish Engine Settings:

Expert Advisor Bluefish Engine "Two Pairs Correlation System" 13
  1. This EA cannot be tested because it uses 2 pares para abrir posiciones.
  2. Simply attach the EA in 1 solo par.
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