Forex Trade Mangers EA


1. The EA have to be put in on just one chart.
2. Just one EA have to be put in on just one MT4 terminal.
3. It can't be shared with the identical account quantity (when you purchased the EA)
4. You can not share the MT4 terminal with it and one other EA.
Up to date on : 2018/11/09
Trade Supervisor serves as a platform for merchants to commerce manually. It gives entry indicators and shows Harmonic patterns on the chart. For individuals who have day jobs there's additionally an Auto commerce possibility however please take into account that each dealer nonetheless must handle their account.

Trade Supervisor has a brand new characteristic.
Auto commerce set on true : select Martingale or Increment
Auto commerce set on false : select Martingale or Increment, the EA will nonetheless commerce after the dealer opened an order, however is not going to take revenue which implies that the revenue will construct up till the dealer decides to shut the orders with the instruments equipped.


Forex Trade Mangers EA 1

Forex Trade Mangers EA 2


Set on any chart use H1. Configuración predeterminada. Be sure to set auto buying and selling to true in inputs tab.

Trade Manager2_11-09-18

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Autor: Equipo Wiki de Forex
Somos un equipo de traders de Forex altamente experimentados. [2000-2023] que nos dedicamos a vivir la vida en nuestros propios términos. Nuestro objetivo principal es lograr independencia y libertad financiera., y hemos buscado la autoeducación y adquirido una amplia experiencia en el mercado Forex como nuestro medio para lograr un estilo de vida autosostenible..