New scalping EA GBPUSD

Hola, chicos,

A very long time do not share nothing new.
Do this one.... appears to have future.

$50 o 100
0.01 lote


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This is not about HF. The entry is calculated on worth transfer and quantity.

The concept is create one thing capable of do a superb cash with couple bucks, nothing extra.

I can not reply all feedback right here, however I am going to do it for all related factors... thanks to your understanding.

Here is a 5 12 months again take a look at which reveals fairly good outcomes.

$1k begin, utilizando 0.1 montones, M5.

I ran the identical take a look at on different pairs, and GU had the perfect outcomes general, so it appears as if this EA is optimized for GU.

There may be additionally quite a lot of exercise within the journal from modifications of pending orders and so on, and a few brokers have limits on that so some merchants may need dealer points utilizing the EA on a stay account.

Are there any limitations on this EA?

What's the underlying technique?

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