Price Deviations Forex EA- Edición gratuita


Price Deviations Forex EA- Free Edition 1

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Price Deviations Forex EA Description :

The EA uses a strategy based on average price deviations using the following indicators: Bandas de Bollinger, Envelopes and Standard Deviation ; Support and Resistance levels are also used for the best signals.
The first order is opened for Price Deviation and subsequent orders are opened from the Support and Resistance levels, and trade can also be inside the Support and Resistance levels.
The EA uses only the M5 timeframe and trades on most major pairs.


Requirements and Recommendations

  • Attach the adviser to only one chart (to any of the working pairs) - all trading for all pairs is conducted from only one chart! en la configuración, you can enable and disable currencies.
  • The minimum recommended balance for the adviser (when used at recommended pairs and timeframes) - 30 00 $ o 30 $ per cent accounts.
  • Leverage from 1: 500 y más.
  • Safe trading requires a minimum lot of 0.01. Check your broker to support a minimum lot of 0.01.
  • Broker with five-digit and three-digit quotes.
  • Requires a regular VPS server. (Advisor does not work on VPS from mql5 )
  • Advisor does not work on the account: "JPY", "RUB".
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The main advantages of the robot

  • Based on the original author's algorithm.
  • Does not use scalping strategies.
  • It works with different brokers.

Pairs and timeframe

  1. EURUSD / M5.
  2. GBPUSD / M5.
  3. GBPJPY / M5.
  4. USDCHF / M5.
  5. USDJPY / M5.
  6. AUDUSD / M5.
  7. GBPAUD / M5.
  8. USDCAD / M5.
  9. GBPCAD / M5.
  10. EURAUD / M5.
  11. EURCAD / M5.
  12. EURGBP / M5.
  13. EURJPY / M5.
  14. GBPCHF / M5.
  15. NZDUSD / M5.
  16. GBPNZD / M5.
  17. EURCHF / M5.
  18. NZDJPY / M5.
  19. CHFJPY / M5.
  20. CADJPY / M5.
  21. EURNZD / M5.

Price Deviations Forex EA Settings :

Price Deviations Forex EA- Free Edition 2

Price Deviations Forex EA- Free Edition 3

Price Deviations Forex EA- Free Edition 4

  • EURUSD - true currency is used;
  • ...
  • EURNZD - true currency is used;
  • Magic_Start ( Finish ) - ID of deals;
  • Symbols_Prefix (Sufijo) _Name - enter ONLY the prefix (suffix) if the broker uses it in the symbol name (Por ejemplo: "m." (". METRO"), if the name of the pair is "m.EURUSD" ("EURUSD.m")) ;
  • Custom_Risk - if true, the lot size increases with the growth of the account balance (gestión de riesgos);
    • User_Balance - User balance;
    • Add_to_User_Balance% - Addition for User_Balance for a smooth transition to a new lot.
    • Lot_on_every - Lot size for each - User_Balance ;
  • Fixed_Lot - permanent lot;
  • Order Type - directions of trade;
  • Order Comment - comments on orders;
  • deslizamiento - slippage before the order is triggered;
  • Show_Info_Panel - information panel (FALSO - quick backtest);
  • Show_additional_panel - profit panel for each month, only for backtest;
  • Propagación máxima - maximum allowable spread;
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Trading within a week:

  • Monday - if true, we trade on Monday;
  • ...
  • Friday - if true, we trade on Friday.

Trading by time within the day:

  • tiempo de uso - in true, trading takes time;
  • GMT Mode - manual tuning;
  • GMT_mode - broker server time offset mode relative to GMT (0 - apagado);
  • Every_Day_Start - time to start work (S.S: milímetros);
  • Every_Day_End - end time (S.S: milímetros).

Friday shutdown time:

  • tiempo de uso - if true, trading is timed;
  • Disable_in_Friday - Friday end time (S.S: milímetros).

Price Deviations Forex EA Results:

Price Deviations Forex EA- Free Edition 5

Price Deviations Forex EA- Free Edition 6

Price Deviations Forex EA- Free Edition 7

Price Deviations Forex EA- Free Edition 8


Download Price Deviations Forex EA ex :


Install msimg32.dll - copy to the root folder of the terminal, restart the terminal.


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