Señales Forex Pro EA – Edición gratuita

1 Señales Forex Pro EA descripción :

Signals Forex Pro EA - Free Edition 1

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Señales Forex Pro EA descripción :



signalpro007 EA is a Powerful Forex Auto Trading EA Robot optimized for up to 5% Beneficios diarios.

Estrategia comercial

Signalspro007 EA Robot is based on Strong current Trend following Strategy. Built with a mixture of many Trending indicators to get best Results on daily basis. As statistics say 95% Traders in this market, unfortunately, lose their hard earned money and the key factor is bad money management taking small profits and huge losses Our Robot is designed to follow the strong current trend so risk is at minimum side and Profits coming out are Big Green Pips.

Fully Automatic Script

As a manual trader, you may have experienced the anxiety and hassle while trading sessions and news times. Sticking to your computer all the time is painful and nearly impossible it affects our health too. Signalspro007 EA Robot is fully Automatic you just need to install once on your mt4 account and it does each and every operation from opening to closing trades automatically so you can enjoy your time with family and earn hassle-free profits.

Use Any Currency Pair

Signalspro007 EA Robot is programmed to trade all the currency pairs and commodities in the best way but we have optimized best results trading EURUSD, GBP USD, USDJPY, GBPJPY so we strongly recommend using these pairs although you can use any currency pair as it will still be profitable. If you are planning to do optimization on any currency pair with our EA you can contact us freely any time and have the best progressive conversation with our experts.

Signals Forex Pro EA Settings:

Signals Forex Pro EA - Free Edition 2

Signals Forex Pro EA Results:

Signals Forex Pro EA - Free Edition 3

Signals Forex Pro EA - Free Edition 4

Signals Forex Pro EA Download :


[]Señalespro007 EA

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