Negociación automática de SyTrage – EDICIÓN PITÓN


Hola a todos !

*** ***
Here is one other reward from me ;)

It is a python script that makes use of OANDA's API to commerce statistical imbalances between 6 pares.

All it's a must to do is enter IDs and Tokens for OANDA and Telegram (para recibir notificaciones) into the file.

pip3 set up oandapyV20
pip3 set up pyTelegramBotAPI
pip3 set up multiprocessing



SyTrage Auto Trading - PYTHON EDITION 1

1- Set up python3 ->
/! In the course of the set up course of, remember to tick the field "Add to PATH...".

2- When it is completed, open a terminal window (command immediate) and set up the dependencies utilizing the 3 "pip3 set up..." instrucciones (pip3 is a packet supervisor used so as to add libraries).

3- Edit the SyTrage script with any textual content editor to exchange the IDs and Tokens values firstly of the code with yours. Reserve it.

4- Launch the script by typing "python3" from the listing of this file (you possibly can navigate to this listing with some "cd" instrucciones).

(5- You'll be able to cease the execution of the script with Ctrl+C.)

I like to recommend beginning to use it with a demo account.
500$ 1:100
sin martingala - not arbitrage per se, simply utilizing currencies weights to achieve an edge.


Necessary Notes:
1- No want to make use of "pip3 set up multiprocessing" as it's already included in python 3.7.2 !
2- Usar "python" o ""python3"" to launch the script.

1- Begin by making a Telegram bot :
You may obtain a Token.
2- Ahead a message at @userinfobot and you will get your chat id.

Salud :party:


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