Correlación triangular para todos los corredores con EA FTL Lightning


Hola comerciantes de correlación triangular, ingresos de bienvenida con DD bajo, .. Hoy compartiré algunas de las mejores versiones de correlación triangular de EA., Relámpago EA FTL, que adopta un sistema de compra y venta de Wuxiaoming. We all know triangular correlation is likely one of the buying and selling programs with constant revenue and is likely one of the most secure buying and selling kinds with low DD. It is because all traded pairs hedge one another in order that floathing loss and floathing revenue are very small. In a triangular correlation collection pair that's traded in a single grid, it should fulfill the A / B, A / C and B / C formulation as proven under.


Triangular Correlation for All Broker With EA FTL Lightning 1


Triangular Correlation for All Broker With EA FTL Lightning 2

Find out how to commerce a triangular full hedge is to take the A / C pair (center row within the desk above) as opposition ... so the place should purchase A / B promote A / C purchase B / C or promote A / B purchase A / C promote B / C.

In buying and selling the triangular correlation system from Wuxiaoming, pairs used are 2 teams, particularly:
1. EUR / Dólar estadounidense, EUR / yenes y usd / jpy
2. GBP / Dólar estadounidense, GBP / cad and usd / cad the

two triangular teams of correlation are chosen not with out the explanation, sin embargo, if we take a look at the index pairs, particularly EUR, Dólar estadounidense, Guay, GBP and CAD all have excessive information affect TRADE BALANCE, which means that nonetheless GAP generated from the index pair will ultimately be returned to its unique place.


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Triangular Correlation for All Broker With EA FTL Lightning 3


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Triangular Correlation for All Broker With EA FTL Lightning 4


And for certain EA FTL Lightning can be utilized on all brokers even with completely different outcomes. That is the results of a commerce utilizing a dealer tickmill.

Triangular Correlation for All Broker With EA FTL Lightning 5

Triangular Correlation for All Broker With EA FTL Lightning 6




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