USD Strength Indicator CUSIV01

USD Strength Indicator CUSIV01
Autor: reunión (2013.11.25 09:40)
descargado: 1620
USD Strength Indicator CUSIV01 1
CUSIV01.mq4 (3.7 Kb) Vista


Coensio USD strength indicator (CUSIV01) measures the momentary USD strength, using combined data from the following four USD pairs: EURUSD, GBP USD, AUDUSD and USDJPY. The USD "momentary strength" of each pair is determined by measuring distance (en pips) of each closed candle w.r.t exponential moving average line e.g.: ΔEURUSD = (Cerca[norte]-EMA50[norte]) / PipValue. The combined USD currency strength can be simply expressed by:


notas: Load the indicator on any chart, cualquier marco de tiempo. Colocar "EMASize" to desired value (EMA value is used as reference point of relative USD strength). Note that on USDJPY chart the indicator will display the strength of USD currency, so the histogram will be displayed in the opposite direction!

Parámetros de entrada:

  • EMASize - period for calculation of indicator



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