95% light Indy and S/R lines! Intuition the better indicator

Its a REVERSE- DAY Buying and selling Technique in New YOrk Session utilizing MultiInfo.
1. Multiinfo FerruFx ( LightIndy.ex4) to obtain,,
2. Zz Semafor obtain wherever in the discussion board
3. Help and resistance Traces.. obtain wherever in the discussion board..


1. Multiinfo should present Development Down 95% at the very least.. better.. 96 97 98%
2. zz Semafor Should present 3 at the very least in 5min, 15 mín., 30 min Time chart - H4 for positive Semafor 2 BETTER 3
3. Help Resistance Traces should demostrate. underneath Help 3
4- instinct not hurry so as to add the order.. wait at all times just a little bit..
5. One other solution to do an entry its wait with a MACD or MA or to enter the reverse Commerce.

Bear in mind all indicator repaints.. Light Indy.. Zz Semafor .. so intiution it the greatest weapon..

This example normally Happends.. after an enormous information launch..

This fashion of commerce its only for one session.. after information launch or massive spike.. not a long run buying and selling

HAve an excellent Day!!

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