Sistema experimental ADX Demarker

Estaba navegando por algunos programas y probando uno de ellos y sentí que podía tener algo potencialmente viable.. The system I checked out was '5min Bollinger breakout system' aquí mismo. I performed round a bit and that is what I've give you.

Abre un 1 hour chart of EUR/USD or GBP/USD.
Add ADX (14) to Typical Worth and add a degree of 30.
Add Demarker (14) with ranges of 0.3 y 0.7.
Optionally available - Add ATR (14).

Purchase setup: await ADX to cross above 30 on shut of final bar, Demarker have to be above 0.7. If Demarker is already above 0.7 then purchase. If Demarker is beneath 0.7, await it to cross above 0.7 earlier than shopping for.

Promote setup: await ADX to cross above 30 on shut of final bar. Demarker have to be beneath 0.3. If Demarker is aleady beneath 0.3 then promote. If Demarker is above 0.3, await it to cross beneath 0.3 earlier than shopping for.

SL and TP - Im nonetheless engaged on this facet however utilizing 1 x ATR (14) seems to work nicely.

I welcome any constructive concepts. Haven't traded this stay.

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