This is a simple H4 system that requires patience
Attached Image (haga clic para ampliar)

Espere la señal H4 (en un círculo 4) to appear

And only take trade when price poke the edge of H4 band.
Or you can gamble by taking trade that is very close to the edge of the H4 band.
Always manage your own risk because this system will have draw down.

Or you can drill down to lower time frame:
Wait for H1 signal (en un círculo 1) to appear, M15 and M5 signal (asterisk) to appear
And only take trade when price poke the edge of the respective band.
Or you can gamble by taking trade that is very close to the edge of the respective band.
Always manage your own risk because this system will have draw down.

Be patience H4 and H1 signal are better than lower time frame.
Can use lower time frame to exit trade.
Or use lower time frame to scalp.

This is a very simple Band system don't add anything else to make it complicated.

Don't ask me is this system profitable or not.
Don't ask me how long have I being using this system.
Don't ask me to attach my Trade Explorer.
All this you can test and try on your own.

LEER  BlueDigitsFx Fácil 1 2 3 Sistema MT4 : Nunca pierda una oportunidad comercial

ACTUALIZAR 13 September: change of template and 1 additional indicator
Put all indicators into indicator folder and attached the template

Attached File

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