Estrategia de Bólgar – por asumir ambos lados de la tendencia



En primer lugar, lo siento por mi inglés.. I've provide you with an concept, which I've used it with a dwell account an I've had attention-grabbing outcomes (aunque estas cuentas explotaron más tarde como resultado de la falta de MM correcto).

Así que estaba entusiasmado con el movimiento de valor y que debería ser una estrategia para ganar algo de dinero con poco o ningún esfuerzo.. luego, mientras miraba los gráficos, noté una cosa! (Vayan y pruébenlo ustedes mismos) Todo el mundo es consciente de que el precio puede subir, hacia abajo y hacia los lados.

No sabemos cuándo comenzará una tendencia y no sabemos cuánto durará.. Solo conocemos un factor. el valor subirá o bajará. Sin embargo, alguna vez contaste las velas?? En un grado, las velas en una sola ruta serán más grandes que en la otra ruta.. The issue is that we do not know which route to I began on both instructions on m5 chart (later I blew up this account however I've had loopy outcomes!) I've positioned each 5min trades on both instructions (I do know what you thinkin' Bolgar Strategy - for taking on both sides of the trend 1

) Una ruta subió (en ingresos) lo diferente se fue abajo (creando menos). A nivel cerré todas mis operaciones en la ruta de la tendencia (a menudo todo en ingresos) however I used to be left there with the loosing aspect...In the snapshot above lets fake that the lengthy commerce have been all closed with a revenue however my promote trades have been at a giant minus BUT(!) porque siempre abría un nuevo comercio cada 5 minutos, finalmente cuando el valor comenzó a ir de lado, luego recibimos una tendencia opuesta, Podría cerrar todas las operaciones comerciales en ingresos! Y únicamente como resultado de cuando comenzó a ir de lado., at that vary there have been a lot trades opened that when it began to go in my favour, these trades made me sufficient cash to get out in revenue though there have been loads of destructive trades opened!

I hope all of you perceive what I am attempting to let you know. Scroll to any timeline, any pairs and you will notice that in case you begin at the improper aspect of the trend and in case you open a brand new order each time you get a brand new candle finally you'll be able to come out of each loosing commerce win huge wins (as a result of of the zig-zag motion of the worth)! My account was at 100eu (micro account = 10 000eu cent)after I began this sort of buying and selling an went as much as 3500eu in a couple of months with a mean of 80% revenue each month (worst was 20% finest was 130%)! With a leverage of 1:100 and a minimal of 0,1lots (lo se, I used to be fortunate at the starting). After I handed 200eu, I began 0,2 etcétera. I used to be doing every part manually. It was laborious. And since I could not watch the chart each 5min. I did not received out after I ought to have, and later my account blew up on me (becuse my account was to little)...Later I used to be attempting to know what occurred and what place dimension might be finest for this technique. So I began one other spherical with this methodology. Once more 100eu (micro account = 10 000eu cent), una vez más 1:100, and once more with 0,1 lote. Now I used to be on the 1h chart, and it was higher. I received to 300eu in about 3months with maintainin the 0,1lot dimension, BUT I received screwed once more as a result of of not the charts each hour...

So lets see an actual instance of this technique (1. screenshot). After this please go and analysis at any timeframe and at any pairs!


I exploit TDI indicator however will be changed with RSI additionally.

1. When te inexperienced line in the TDI indicator will get underneath the 32.00 line and later goes over it, that is the entrypoint. We begin to place purchase and promote order at the identical time. We put each hour (that is the 1h chart) a purchase and a promote order!
2. The crimson line reveals us the place are we gonna begin.
3.When the inexperienced line of the TDI indicator goes over the 60.00 línea azul, that is the place we shut all the purchase orders in revenue.
4. The crimson line is the place the place we shut all the purchase orders.

Now let assume that we did not had the time to take a look at our charts, however an EA put each hour a brand new promote order....

5. At this place we might have closed all our promote orders with an enormous revenue!
Now lets assume that we have been in a position to test our account ever hour. (el 2. screenshot appears to be like sophisticated however its not!Bolgar Strategy - for taking on both sides of the trend 1 )

1.We've got a sign. We enter for both sides.
2.We enter at that degree.
3.We shut all the buys.
4. We closed all the buys at that degree.
5.We received a brand new sign and since now we have promote orders already opened, we go for a brand new spherical of purchase orders.
6.From this degree we begin to put once more purchase orders additionally.
7.that is the sign for the promote orders to be closed IF they're in revenue (if they're stil not in revenue, vamos a esperar otra señal, el lugar donde probaremos para una detallada)
8. ese es el grado en que se cierran las órdenes de promoción. (dibuja una línea allí. cada promoción comercial anterior está en los ingresos, cada uno de los pedidos de promoción por debajo de la línea está en pérdida)
9. ahora tenemos una señal para cerrar pedidos largos.
10. ese es el nivel en el que cerramos todas las operaciones largas. (Eche un vistazo a dónde comenzamos los largos y dónde los terminamos.)

Echa un vistazo a la 2-4 rastros de entrada y salida para la compra; 2-8 rastros de entrada para promover;6-10 para comprar
So in case you do your backtesting you will see that out that this technique works the issues...1.we have to put all this to an EA....2. Tenemos que proporcionarle un plan para el MM correcto. For those who're excited about cease loss, than that is a improper concept for this technique... I used to be pondering on one thing like taking out each revenue each month (como resultado del gran win%), y colocándolo aparte (si la cuenta se vuelve a sacar, aún tenemos dinero para conservar), o si alguien tiene un sistema para tendencias realmente grandes, eso no funciona en tendencias más pequeñas o cuando el precio es variar y mezclar estos dos métodos. O posiblemente alguna técnica de skalping que se pueda mezclar con esto (for making a basket when issues begin to exit of fingers). Lets put our minds collectively and lets make this technique work for us! Bolgar Strategy - for taking on both sides of the trend 1

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