Cuero cabelludo fácil y rentable

This is among the greatest techniques I've checked out with a visible backtest.
It isn't mine. Lo descubrí en la web totalmente gratis.. Es un sistema anticuado de Karl Dittman.. It is the primary system of his I've seen that really works.
Dittman afirma una 95% cuota de ganancia. It appears to be like like that is likely to be true.


When the brand new day begins:

Put a pending Purchase Cease at yesterday's Excessive + 3 pepitas + desplegar.
SL=10 Pips. TP=5 Pips.

Put a pending Promote Cease at yesterday's Low - 3 pepitas.
SL=10 Pips. TP=5 Pips.

* Most brokers elevate the se extiende acerca de 20 pips when the day rolls over. Do not place your pending orders then. Wait till the unfold returns to regular.

Created EA; appears to carry out very poorly throughout all majors.

Display screen photographs beneath appear indicative of all majors; this one is EURUSD:

Get excessive/low of earlier day, set order +3/-3 pepitas +/- desplegar (Admiral markets, unfold calculated at time of order to get round midnight spreads), $10000 account utilizing 0.01 heaps static with SL of 10 pepitas, TP de 5. Ran since 01.01.2018 utilizing actual ticks.

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Autor: Equipo Wiki de Forex
Somos un equipo de comerciantes de Forex altamente experimentados [2000-2023] que se dedican a vivir la vida en nuestros propios términos. Nuestro principal objetivo es lograr la independencia financiera y la libertad., y hemos buscado la autoeducación y adquirido una amplia experiencia en el mercado Forex como nuestro medio para lograr un estilo de vida autosostenible..