Máquina de comercio de canales Fx – Edición gratuita


Fx Channel Trading Machine - Free Edition 1

Hola amigos de Forex Wiki ,

Máquina de negociación de canales Fx DESCRIPCIÓN :


La máquina de comercio de canales definitiva - Hack the Way you Trade Channels Forever! Nuestro software comercial único y simple lo atraerá automáticamente 100% Canales precisos en cualquier período de tiempo- garantizado!
¿Cómo funciona el CTI y, Más importante, how can you make money with it starting today?
Intentamos simplificar el indicador de comercio de canales lo más simple posible. porque seamos realistas, el comercio puede ser lo suficientemente difícil como lo es. Tener un indicador difícil de trabajar solo lo distraerá de su resultado deseado como comerciante..
So here are the three simple steps to create your first powerful CTI Trade:
Fx Channel Trading Machine - Free Edition 2
Apply The CTI Trading Tool to your Charting Software
Para empezar,install our gorgeous CTI Trading Indicator and attach it to your chart
Customize the CTI Trading Indicator to your desired setting for scalping, Dia de cambio, or swing trading..
Fx Channel Trading Machine - Free Edition 3
Fx Channel Trading Machine - Free Edition 4
Disfrute viendo el disparador de operaciones de ruptura
Now you just sit back and relax and watch the CTI trading tool work its magic. It will do all the work for you in finding profitable trades. The only thing left for you to do is pull the trigger and make the trade.
That's all it takes.

Now no more playing the waiting game. No more being at the mercy of those dollar sucking creators that promise the world but deliver absolutely nothing. Just get your hands on CTI Indicator and the rest will be taken care of by us.

Now what if you wanted to trade inside the channel?
No Problem!

We added in Fibonacci levels:

Fx Channel Trading Machine - Free Edition 5
Y tenemos una estrategia detallada paso a paso esperándolo en su área de miembros para mostrarle exactamente cómo operar con niveles de Fibonacci dentro del canal.!
How about the Custom Dashboard that is Included With the CTI Indicator?
Fx Channel Trading Machine - Free Edition 6

So you saw that we have a dashboard that is included with the CTI indicator but what exactly does it do? What does it make the CTI indicator go from great to a MUST HAVE!

The custom dashboard allows you to scan the M1 all the way up to a Monthly Chart in the matter of seconds!
Fx Channel Trading Machine - Free Edition 7

And if you never have traded with the Monthly, Semanalmente, Daily Chart,Por ejemplo, then no problem! You can set the Dashboard to the only specific Time Frames that you Trade!

Vea abajo:
Fx Channel Trading Machine - Free Edition 8
The dashboard also comes with trade alerts that you can set to whatever specific time frame you wish to receive trade alerts!
Fx Channel Trading Machine - Free Edition 9
If you only prefer to get alerts on specific time frames with our custom dashboard then that is also a possibility with our fully customizable dashboard to fit your trading needs!
Fx Channel Trading Machine - Free Edition 10

Fx Channel Trading Machine Download:


[+ForexWikiTrading.com]CTI Tool

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Autor: Equipo Wiki de Forex
Somos un equipo de comerciantes de Forex altamente experimentados [2000-2023] que se dedican a vivir la vida en nuestros propios términos. Nuestro principal objetivo es lograr la independencia financiera y la libertad., y hemos buscado la autoeducación y adquirido una amplia experiencia en el mercado Forex como nuestro medio para lograr un estilo de vida autosostenible..