Solo gráfico de barras altas y bajas & como intercambiarlos!


hello friends

purpose of the thread build toghether a trading system

based only on high & bajo de barras & NADA MÁS.

Por favor, no peleen, no golpeen, etc. ...


your are all welcome High low bar chart only & how to trade them! 1

please advice comment put pics put code etc ...


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High low bar chart only & how to trade them! 2

con eso 2 indicators u can get the same screen as me

use line chart then select line graph color none

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High low bar chart only & how to trade them! 3


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High low bar chart only & how to trade them! 4


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High low bar chart only & how to trade them! 5

I am not very smart so high & low is already a lot of info for me High low bar chart only & how to trade them! 6

High low bar chart only & how to trade them! 7

so now we have only 4 types of bars

its not = to range bar but close to it





let's have a look at this pic where i put only bearish & bullish bar

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High low bar chart only & how to trade them! 8

My first idea is to concentrate on the outside bar

please kindly share your ideas as well

i see a lot of system about break out of outside bar & engulfin ..

let's try something a bit different

next week will test support & resistance line that i must draw by hand .....

this is a pic of the idea

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High low bar chart only & how to trade them! 9

waiting for help from coder here

idea simply autodraw 1 apoyo & 1 resistance line

everytime a new outside bar appears ( erase the previous lines)

all based only on high & bajo


high of actual outside bar on close

low of actual outside bar on close

other high point must be on a previous outside bar with a high higher then the actual one

other low point must be on a previous outside bar with a low lower then the actual one

will test this next week & revert asap

nice weekend frds


Alto & Lows worked for the TURTLES, should still work for us

High low bar chart only & how to trade them! 10

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High low bar chart only & how to trade them! 11
Archivos adjuntos
File Type: ex4 High_Low_Only.ex4 2 KB | 57 descargas
File Type: mq4 High_Low_Only.mq4 2 KB | 92 descargas
Archivos adjuntos
File Type: mq4 En & Out Alert.mq4 3 KB | 90 descargas
File Type: mq4 bear&bull Alert.mq4 3 KB | 80 descargas
File Type: mq4 i-HighLowMiddleS.mq4 1 KB | 54 descargas
File Type: tpl recidiviste.tpl 3 KB | 18 descargas

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