Entrada de alta probabilidad pero falta de gestión

Buen día , It have been some time since i'm not posted. Probemos algo nuevo.
Es posible que tenga muchas posibilidades de ingresar que el valor se convierta en ingresos después de su entrada.. It doesn't repaint. Lo sé porque lo codifiqué.. You're free to examine utilizing technique tester.
Arrow shaped when the candle shut. So if there's blue arrow , It did pop up proper on the shut of that candle.

So its proper +1 candles Open close to arrow is would your entry.

Im interested in administration concepts of this indicator.

Indicator will cease working at 30.04.2019...

I'll share the open supply with all contributors that gave the thought handle it or commerce it. If sufficient curiosity i'll put it right here.

If individuals present me some demo , Reside buying and selling outcomes. I could implement their filters. So its as much as you to get this indicator in the event you discover any use.

Payback along with your solutions and enhancements , Get the supply. Share atleast few trades with indicator with different individuals or handbook backtest end result

I'll add indicator inside couple of minutes

NOTA : Use along with your OWN RIESGO ! Nothing assured.

High Probability Entry But Lack Of Management 1

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