Ganchos y garrapatas

Lo que sigue a continuación es otro trabajo en progreso y, por lo tanto, experimental.. No es nada nuevo en idea., simplemente otra manera de mirar 4 reversiones de barras/continuaciones de desarrollo. I've solely checked out this manually on GBP/USD 1 hora. Bastante se explica por sí mismo desde la imagen principal.. The setups resembles hooks and ticks therefore the title of the thread.


Purchase setup - Bar 2 makes a decrease low and a decrease excessive than bar 1. It does not matter if they're bullish or bearish. Bar 3 makes the next low than bar 2. It additionally does not matter what route it's. Bar 4 makes the next excessive and increased low than bar 3 and bar 1 AND closes bullish.

Purchase entry - Purchase at open of bar 5, TP 10, SL at low of bar 4.

Promote setup - Bar 2 makes the next low and the next excessive than bar 1. It does not matter in the event that they're bullish or bearish. Bar 3 makes a decrease excessive than bar 2. It additionally does not matter what route it's. Bar 4 makes a decrease excessive and decrease low than bar 3 and bar 1 AND closes bearish.

Promote entry - Promote at open of bar 5, TP 10, SL at excessive of bar 4.

Enganchado Foto (haga clic en para agrandar)
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Name: ht1.JPG
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Name: ht2.JPG
Size: 71 KB Click to Enlarge

Name: ht3.JPG
Size: 42 KB Click to Enlarge

Name: ht4.JPG
Size: 62 KB
Large Thank's : Hooks and Ticks 1 HarryPlopper
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