Comercio abierto perezoso

En el hilo de LazyTMA, otros miembros y yo publicamos algunas ideas relacionadas con el comercio abierto diario..

Creo que para los comerciantes perezosos es importante tener datos estadísticos para los intervalos de las redes comerciales..

Seguro, the Gann ATR-fractions are a good tool and I just want to analyze the idea with the distances from Open to the Highs/Lows.

Here is an indicator "smLazyOpen BarRanges_v1.0"
with which these figures are calculated separately for rising and falling trends.
In further indicators, I will use the DoubleHull indicator, so that a possible analysis for the match of the fast and slow Hull average can be made.

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I have read the ideas of Vegas Tunnel System.
On pages 8 y 9 you will find very good approaches, which I also used. Just as a warning: the calculation with the median and deviations I will program similar in the next time, and I'm curious if anything brings.
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Sin embargo, as far as the Vegas indicators are concerned, they are far from practical use, so I'm not surprised that nobody could succeed with the system.

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