Sistema de ganancias todo el día


El único sistema que uno puede necesitar o desear es cierto aquí mismo..
Un buen amigo mío que tenía numerosos datos sobre divisas me enseñó este método..

I've a number of threads on FF sharing with you a few my customized programs however this one right here is the actual deal. There is not any customized or difficult indicators that repaint. Every thing is already included in your platform. That is the system I take advantage of for my reside buying and selling and consider I at all times will. My customized programs are good however simply do not fallow value like this one does.

My story in a nutshell,
I'm a dealer of 4 años con 3 of them being a nasty expertise until I used to be taught this method by an excellent good friend. Now a 12 months later I persistently make 20-50 pips a day solely buying and selling a pair hours.

Why I like this method,
-It is strong and works on the 5, 15, 1H, 4h, and day by day time frames.
-I apply it to the 5 Dakota del Norte 15 min.
-consistent Beneficial properties of 20-50 pips a day utilizing it on the 5 y 15 min timeframe per pair though I solely commerce the EU and GU.

EMA's, 3,5 y 13
cci, 24 interval mounted minimal of -350 and a most of 350
cci ranges -90, 90

Prueba 5metro chart for up to date swing low.

Test EMAs all heading down and spacing aside on 15metro cuadro.

Enter commerce on subsequent break level on 5metro chart when CCI is under 90 ICC
(not vital in 15metro cuadro)

EMAs have to be heading down and spacing aside on 15metro chart for entry.
(not vital in 5metro)

cesar la pérdida 3 factors above final swing excessive.

70% of Take revenue at ½ Cease loss worth 30% en 3 EMA crossing up by
13 EMA (en 5metro cuadro).

What's the lowest low?
It is when the present candle has no less than 2 candles earlier than and after which might be greater then it itself. (Instance is in pic.)

Prueba 5metro chart for up to date swing excessive.

Test EMAs all heading up and spacing aside on 15metro cuadro.

Enter commerce on subsequent break level on 5metro chart when CCI is above +90 ICC.
(not vital in 15metro cuadro)

EMAs have to be heading up and spacing aside on 15metro chart for entry.
(not vital in 5metro)

cesar la pérdida 3 factors under final swing low.

70% of Take revenue at ½ Cease loss worth 30% en 3 EMA crossing down by 13 EMA (en 5metro cuadro).

What's the highest excessive?
It is when the present candle has no less than 2 candles earlier than and after which might be decrease then it itself. (Instance is in pic.)

máx., Solely 5% por comercio.

Whereas buying and selling, be sure that when your TP is hit to solely take out 70% of the preliminary commerce. Go away the opposite 30% in until 3 y 5 ema cross the 13. It will mean you can let your earnings run, which is a should in foreign currency trading!

Please don't change this methodology to your liking, maintain it as it's. I've do not very nicely with this method over a protracted time period. I've tried utilizing it with many various indicators to attempt to make it higher. Doing so simply did not make sense to the system. I even tried fib pivots. Additionally did not make sense.

This technique was meant to be traded as is. I've traded it for a 12 months now and it is handled me very nicely so I hope you prefer it. Please give it an excellent shot along with your buying and selling. I've had lots of people come to me asking learn how to commerce profitably and that is the system that has helped me.

I'll submit my reside buying and selling pics right here day by day until thread is not any extra...

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