Sistema de comercio móvil simple H4


I began a thread in Journal Discussion board to share about this technique as I'm nonetheless testing. Los resultados son prometedores, así que tomé la decisión de compartirlos aquí..

Tenga en cuenta que solo lo comencé por 1 mes y los resultados no son suficientes para concluir algo. Algunos lo han intentado y resultados tan optimistas también. Go to right here to rea din particulars:

Too many dealer concentrate on reward to danger (RR). Nonetheless that's their speculation if the worth motion (Pensilvania) attain to the extent they need. Sin embargo, usually then not the PA don't attain to the extent they need and hit SL

I requested myself the right way to change into a constant worthwhile dealer? So i concluded that the win to loss ratio is extra vital. Undoubtedly cash administration is the premise.

All you want for this technique is your telephone. I solely commerce on all USD pairs, pares EUR, GBP pairs and JPY pairs


1. Add EMA 30 to chart
2. Observe the development
3. Lengthy when Bullish Engulf bar kind above EMA30, and quick when Bearish Enguld bar kind beneath EMA 30.
4. Use Finbonacci to find out SL and TP


My outcomes since seventh Sep 2018
Fotografías conectadas (haga clic en para agrandar)
Doable quick commerce for subsequent open H4 bar

Draw fibo from excessive to low of the present bar to find out SL and TP.

SL en 0 and TP at 200. Shift SL to 100 when hit 150

Fotografías conectadas (haga clic en para agrandar)
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Name: 0A5B3148-74B9-4171-9BE9-FC2429EF4151.jpeg
Size: 611 KB Click to Enlarge

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Size: 408 KB

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