Comercio de línea horizontal simple H1


Hola a todos,

Me presentaré primero,
He estado comprando y vendiendo acciones en el mercado durante más de 3 año y comenzar a comprar y vender divisas por 1 año.
Esta metodología no debería ser una metodología nueva que yo cree., i simply enhance from others buying and selling methods to go well with my very own buying and selling fashion.
I am not a career dealer, I nonetheless in a studying course of.

My Technique is utilizing H1 Time Body, SMA 50 and Horizontal Line rounded quantity 25 pepita (000, 250, 500, 750).

Guidelines of Entry:

Lengthy Place:
- Worth above SMA50,
- Pending purchase order on the Horizontal Line above the SMA50 (000 / 250 / 500 / 750), Often give 3 pip above the horizontal.
- Meta 50 Pepita, SL 30 Pepita (R:R = 1 : 1.5)

Quick Place:
- Worth Under SMA50
- Pending Promote order on the Horizontal Line beneath the SMA50 (000 / 250 / 500 / 750), Often give 3 pip beneath the horizontal.
- Meta 50 Pepita, SL 30 Pepita (R:R = 1 : 1.5)

extra rule:
- I do not take the commerce when the horizontal line is to shut to the MA50
- Transfer the SL to BE+1 / BE+5 when the worth goes to your TP course (después 10-15 pepita)

Listed below are some instance of the chart that i take advantage of.

Imagen conectada (haga clic en para agrandar)

I am utilizing the identical chart that i put up above,

On the left aspect of the chart you may see that the worth is transferring beneath the MA50 line.

I'll put my pending Promote order on the value 1.26780, TP 1.26250, SL 1.27030 (añado 3 Pip for my Entry and SL for Unfold)

The Purple Field that i draw is the Entry and when the TP attain.

typically in a sideway situation this methodology not work very effectively however you may set the TP to 25 Pip and SL 25 Pepita (RR 1:1)

and on the Proper Aspect of the chart you will note the worth transferring above the MA50. I put the Blue Field as my Entry and TP / SL attain.

Imagen conectada (haga clic en para agrandar)
Click to Enlarge

Size: 56 KB

Right here another chart instance.

Typically the worth will hit your SL and goes to different course,
you should purchase on the identical time or anticipate the subsequent time value transfer above or beneath the horizontal line.
however for me i choose 1 commerce every so i wont purchase right away when my SL hit.

This chart is the instance of the right situation when down pattern.

Imagen conectada (haga clic en para agrandar)
Click to Enlarge

Size: 34 KB

Different Instance.

Imagen conectada (haga clic en para agrandar)
Click to Enlarge

Size: 36 KB

Sideway Pattern. 25 PIP SL TP (you'll get cease out so much when Sideway, so becareful when the pattern is sideway)

Imagen conectada (haga clic en para agrandar)
Click to Enlarge

Name: sideway.PNG
Size: 54 KB


Rápido comercio 1.26750

TP: 1.26250 (50 PEPITA)
SL: 1.27050 (30 PEPITA)

Imagen conectada (haga clic en para agrandar)
Click to Enlarge

Size: 29 KB

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