TMS para gráficos M30

Operar es parte de mi vida y el indicador TDI y APB son las partes principales de mi estilo de negociación. Aprecié a muchos comerciantes del hilo Trading Made Simple donde me hizo convertirme en lo que soy hoy..
Según el título indicado, uso 30 gráfico de minutos para entrar y salir de mis operaciones con fx ( I do check other time frames (M15 H1 H4) before taking my trades just to see any conflicts/facing S/R etc,. Sound straight forward doesn't it?TMS for M30 charts 2
No, why? Because things happen in between entry and exit that make it not so straight and that is still a learning curve to a lot of traders and myself
I will post my trades here for sharing and discussing purposes. Please do not follow them without doing your due diligence. I take no responsibilities for any losses that may occur at your end.
my favorite set ups are divergence and hidden divergence.Rules: TDI green crossed red off S/R, trade away from Daily Open Line (DOL), 200 EMA, and weekly S/R.

I enter on M30 with these confirmation:
- TDI cross/bounce
- APB same color with my trade
- @S/R
- TL (línea de tendencia) breakout or special candle patterns (can be outside bar/inside bar/pull back candle,lower high/lower lows, higher high/higher lows, etc.)
Nota: I use Stochastic for extra confirmation and Awesome to see market momentum. Main focus is on price actions around support/resistant levels and get in a trade when TDI crosses forming divergence/hidden divergence.

Locations are very important, and if you have divergence set up at good level, 99.99% you will have nice bag of greenies, but make sure you don't go short while TDI>68, stoc>75 (overbought= market too bullish ), nor go long while TDI<32 (oversold = too bearish), stoc<25. In addition with those conditions and with TDI cross and APB same color, it will be safer to go short when Stoc<50, and long when stoc>50.

My trading time: Frankfurt Open(FO), Abierto de Londres (LO), New York open (NY)

English is not my first language so I will try to explain by showing it on my charts if needed.

I will try to post my trades as early as possible after I entered them if I have time to do so. Managing trades is still my hardest part where I need to master it, where I need to master my emotionTMS for M30 charts 2

As I am a active trader I might not be available here all the time. I also might not have all answer to all queries, and the purposes of this thread is to share and discuss so please assist one another and important thing is be helpful and stay positive even when your account is not positive on the day, we all have positive and negative days, so deal with it in a appropriate manner by taking our own responsibilities and not blaming the market nor others.

This is an advance system for those who knows the basis PA. If you are new to FX, please give yourself time to study the basis first on babypips then come back here to join us and learn more.Please go to paper clip on top right hand corner of this thread to download all indies I use.

comercio feliz!

Imágenes adjuntas (Click para agrandar)
Click to Enlarge Name: bearish hidden divergence + bo (m30).png Size: 25 KB Click to Enlarge Name: Bullish Hidden DIvergence m30.png Size: 25 KB Click to Enlarge Name: Bearish Divergence M30.png Size: 33 KB Click to Enlarge Name: Bullish Divergence m30.png Size: 28 KB
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