Trading Journal Spreadsheet Trader DiaryThe Best Solution For Analyzing Trading Results


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Today we offer you a very interesting diary of a trader - perhaps the most necessary tool for profitable trading. This journal trader deals from $ 117 a $ 179 , but here you can download it for free.

For more than a decade, the Trading Journal’s trader’s diary has turned raw trading data into a convenient analysis of trading results. Track every trade you make in several (changeable) profitability tracking categories.

Regardless of whether you are trading in one or several markets, the TJS trader diary has a version for any financial market: cepo, opciones, futures, divisas, se extiende, CFD.

Here are the main features of this diary trader:

Trading Journal Spreadsheet Trader Diary - The Best Solution For Analyzing Trading Results 1

Here are the icons in the main menu, where you will find all sheets neatly displayed in an organized format.

Many sheets are accessed from the trader’s diary headlines (for quick and easy access), so they are hidden from the view on this image, but they can be easily viewed by clicking the “Expand” button while inside the menu.

TJS Analysis

Screen "At a glance."
Expected performance for all categories.
Know your strengths and weaknesses and compare the effectiveness of the strategy.
Track your mistakes.
Submit to Mentor / Instructor functions.
Filter the best deals from each category to see the final trading result.
View your trading result by amount, annual or monthly and more.
Yield curve (with filter).
Drop-down menus / detection of input errors
Analysis of each trade transaction.

And of course, this diary of traders gathered a lot of positive feedback and we could not get past it.

Trading Journal Spreadsheet Trader Diary - The Best Solution For Analyzing Trading Results 2

From the link below you can download the Trading Journal's diary for free.


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Autor: Equipo Wiki de Forex
Somos un equipo de traders de Forex altamente experimentados. [2000-2023] que nos dedicamos a vivir la vida en nuestros propios términos. Nuestro objetivo principal es lograr independencia y libertad financiera., y hemos buscado la autoeducación y adquirido una amplia experiencia en el mercado Forex como nuestro medio para lograr un estilo de vida autosostenible..