Detektor Boom Dan Crash Spike MT5 – Indikator Opsi Biner


Boom And Crash Spike Detector

Deskripsi detektor lonjakan boom dan tabrakan :

Memperkenalkan indikator pendeteksi boom dan crash spike yang telah lama ditunggu-tunggu untuk Meta trader 5 terminal.
Dalam beberapa hari mendatang, many Boom and crash trader dreams would come to life, karena jutaan dolar akan dihasilkan dari peluncuran indikator yang kuat ini, Thousands of people globally had been searching the internet for the indicator that would be able to detect the spikes on those synthetic indices, if you are one among the tens of thousands of traders that are searching for this indicator, Congratulations, you have arrived at the right spot.

History Boom and Crash Spike Detector Indicator

Desember 7 - 2019 - Release date

we have decided to bring to notice the release date for the spike detector to the audience, why because many times, we have faced issues with the market makers interrupting our supplies of the spike indicator, they try all their possible best to restrict traders from using the powerful Spike detector, they do not want little guys to make a huge amount of money, first, they had banned the "Stop-loss EA" built for boom and crash, but they cannot do the same for this indicator since it is not an EA, by adding a release date for the distribution of the spike indicator, a good number of people would get the software because it would be available at that moment for maximum licensing, we have refused to upload the file on our website now to avoid takedown by the market makers, please be patient till the release date so that a good number of orders would be executed successfully.


Features of the spike indicator

the boom and crash spike indicator is a very powerful spike detecting software, with very awesome features, these features include.

  • Spike Alert ( dari 10 to 100-second warning before spike)
  • Continues spike Alert (for double or continuous spikes at a time)
  • supports all Boom/crash Indices
  • M1 time frame spike pointer.
  • Bigger time frame trend pointer for Perdagangan ayunan
  • Non-Repaint fully, guaranteed

Boom and crash spike detector Results:

timeframe M1
Binary broker

Boom And Crash Spike Detector MT5 - Binary Option Indicator 1

Boom And Crash Spike Detector MT5 - Binary Option Indicator 2

How To Use Boom and crash spike detector:

Haven successfully installed the Spike detector, Kindly watch our YouTube videos for heads up on how to scalp with our software. Its self-explanatory and we wish you 100% success using our indicator. In case of any issues using our indicator, do contact our support team for assistance.


boom and crash spike detector free download

Boom and crash Strategy

Buy Conditions
⦁ Bullish Alignment on the indicator and Main windows
Sell Conditions
⦁ Bearish Alignment on the indicator and Main windows
Directions above for swing trading only, from M15 upwards
Note==> make sure all conditions are met before taking a trade, do ensure to demo trade for 2 or more days before going live with this tool. Minimize greed and use good money management, Digital developers will not be responsible for whatever consequences resulted from the wrong use of our indicator.

Boom and crash spike detector Free Download :

We highly recommend trying the Boom And Crash Spike Detector for at least a week with Akun demo ICMarket. Juga, biasakan diri Anda dan pahami cara kerja sistem ini sebelum menggunakannya di akun live.

MEMBACA  Sinyal Jual Beli Indikator Forex - Bebas 100% Tanpa Pengecatan Ulang


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Pengarang: Tim Wiki Valas
Kami adalah tim Trader Forex yang sangat berpengalaman [2000-2023] yang berdedikasi untuk menjalani hidup dengan cara kita sendiri. Tujuan utama kami adalah mencapai kemandirian dan kebebasan finansial, dan kami telah menempuh pendidikan mandiri dan memperoleh pengalaman luas di pasar Forex sebagai sarana kami untuk mencapai gaya hidup mandiri.