Not Repaint Scalper Indicator – Edisi Gratis


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Not Repaint Scalper Indicator Description :

Onyx Scalper is another trading indicator from the famous developer Karl Dittmann. The indicator is mainly intended for scalping and, by its simplicity, is suitable for a trader with any level of training. The indicator does not repaint and is not late. It works on any trading assets .

Characteristics of the Onyx Scalper

  • Platform: Metatrader4
  • Pasangan mata uang: Any pairs, indices and metals (recommended major currency pairs)
  • Waktu Perdagangan: Sepanjang waktu (recommended European and USA trading sessions)
  • Jangka waktu: M1-M30

Persyaratan Pialang :

NAMA BROKERDAFTARTahun Didirikan Berkantor pusat ManfaatSetoran Minimal Mengatur
Not Repaint Scalper Indicator - Free Edition 2Daftar2007
Angola Australia
Ches🇾 Siprus
🇧🇾 Bahama
Somalia Seychelles
1:1000$200ASIC, SCB, OJK
Not Repaint Scalper Indicator - Free Edition 3Daftar2008
Ches🇾 Siprus
1:Tak terbatas$10CySEC, FCA, FSCA, OJK, BVI
Not Repaint Scalper Indicator - Free Edition 4Daftar2009
Not Repaint Scalper Indicator - Free Edition 5Daftar2009
Not Repaint Scalper Indicator - Free Edition 6Daftar2009
Ches🇾 Siprus
Angola Australia
Uni Emirat Arab
1:1000$5 ASIC, CySEC , IFSC
Not Repaint Scalper Indicator - Free Edition 7Daftar2010
Angola Australia
1:500$200FCA , ASIC, DFSA
Not Repaint Scalper Indicator - Free Edition 8Daftar2011
🇮🇧 Inggris
Not Repaint Scalper Indicator - Free Edition 9Daftar2006
🇪🇭 Irlandia

How it works?

You already probably know that most paid indicators are based on a skeleton, which is built on the basis of standard free indicators. And Onyx Scalper is no exception. Its signals are very similar to the HalfTrend indicator, which has long been known to us. Below are some screenshots to confirm my statement. Pasangan mata uang, trading time and timeframe are the same. Try to find the differences:

Onyx Scalper EURAUD M5 Total Profit: + 251 pips

Not Repaint Scalper Indicator - Free Edition 10

HalfTrend (Amplitude = 20) EURAUD M5 Jumlah Keuntungan: + 306 pips

Not Repaint Scalper Indicator - Free Edition 11

In the settings of the HalfTrend indicator, the value of the parameter Amplituda = 20 was changed. Other settings were left unchanged. As this parameter increases, the number of signals decreases, but they are more accurate and smoothed.

Onyx Scalper GBPUSD M5 Total Profit: + 228 pips

Not Repaint Scalper Indicator - Free Edition 12

Onyx Scalper AUDUSD M15 Total Profit: + 330 pips

Not Repaint Scalper Indicator - Free Edition 13

Seperti yang Anda lihat, the difference is not big, if you do not take into account that HalfTrend is repainted. In addition to the fact that Onyx Scalper 100% is not repainted, it still has many advantages and useful functions.


First of all, Onyx Scalper has the opportunity to choose one of three trading modes with varying degrees of risk and the number of trading signals (this can be seen in many products of Karl Dittmann):

  • Conservative Mode - Signals Frequency = Normal, Safety = Maximum, Trend Detection = Standard, Risiko Rendah
  • Medium Mode - Signals Frequency = High, Safety = Optimal, Trend Detection = Sensitive, Moderate Risk
  • Aggressive Mode - Signals Frequency = Extreme, Safety = Low, Trend Detection = Highly Sensitive, Resiko Tinggi

Onyx Scalper Indicator is able to find the best entry points. It is very convenient. Because we do not open a deal right away when the color of the indicator changes, but only at the moment the Blue or Red Diamond appears. Dengan demikian, the trader has some time to prepare for the opening of the transaction and make the optimal entry:

Not Repaint Scalper Indicator - Free Edition 14

This indicator has an advanced warning system about the appearance of a trading signal with data on the direction of the signal (Buy or Sell), Stop Loss and Take Profit livels:

  • Pop-Up Alert with Sound on MT4 Platform
  • Instant Email Notification
  • Push Notification to Your Mobile Phone:

In this video you can see a small excerpt of the live action of the indicator signals:

Not Repaint Scalper Indicator Settings:

Not Repaint Scalper Indicator - Free Edition 15

Sayangnya, there is no information how the indicator overcomes long-term flat. This is a weak point of many indicators. I suspect that Onyx Scalper does not behave in a flat in the best way. Karena itu, be sure to use additional filters and trade only in the London and New York sessions on the Major currency pairs. Follow Money Management and take into account the most important (red) economic news.

MEMBACA  Indikator Opsi Biner Tidak dipertahankan


Download Not Repaint Scalper Indicator:


[]Onyx Scalper analog

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