
1 indicator ex4 / 3 user manual in RUSSIAN language pdf

Trading platform: MetaTrader4
Quotes invoices: 4 sign 5 sign
Pasangan mata uang: Setiap
Kerangka waktu: M5, M15, H1, H4, D1,


indicator Technique :
Manipulations with price.
with continued movement for sale
As a rule, the greater the number of stains on the chart, the stronger the signal. Dalam hal ini, the indicator informed us of a double divorce.
The market has spread the bidders already in both directions, which means there are more chances for profit. Further, according to the signal of the INFINITI APRO indicator, the indicator searches for an entry point into the market taking into account the formed opportunities.
TRADING INDICATOR PRO - Russian Indicator 1
Manipulations with price.
with the continuation of the movement to buy
We see the appearance of a change in the intraday trend from descending to ascending, followed by the formation of a market entry point.
The market’s divorce is already in three directions, which means that there are more chances for profit. Further, according to the signal of the INFINITI APRO indicator, the indicator searches for an entry point into the market taking into account the formed opportunities.

TRADING INDICATOR PRO - Russian Indicator 2

displays the lows and highs of the price on the chart, as well as the places of the trend change and divorces (double trend change or more). The algorithm for determining extrema is based on the assertion that the price goes at least two pulses ("GROWTH-ROLL-GROWTH" atau "REDUCTION-ROLL-REDUCTION"). Dengan demikian, the search for minima and maxima is based on a thorough analysis of each candle and their combination. The trend change is sought according to the standard technical analysis algorithm - the interruption of the highs in a downtrend from the downtrend to the upward trend, the interruption of the minimum in the upward trend means a change of trend from upward to downward.
The INFINITI APRO indicator Dashboard :
TRADING INDICATOR PRO - Russian Indicator 3

TRADING INDICATOR PRO - Russian Indicator 4


MEMBACA  50-100 Pips Indicator - Full source code

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Pengarang: Tim Wiki Valas
Kami adalah tim Trader Forex yang sangat berpengalaman [2000-2023] yang berdedikasi untuk menjalani hidup dengan cara kita sendiri. Tujuan utama kami adalah mencapai kemandirian dan kebebasan finansial, dan kami telah menempuh pendidikan mandiri dan memperoleh pengalaman luas di pasar Forex sebagai sarana kami untuk mencapai gaya hidup mandiri.