Robot Permintaan dan Pasokan MT4 – EA Untuk Menyelesaikan Tantangan Ftmo


Demand and Supply Robot - EA To Complete Ftmo Challenge

Demand and Supply Robot Review

Sebagai pedagang Valas, salah satu hal terpenting untuk dipertimbangkan adalah memiliki robot trading yang efisien dan andal. Robot trading telah menjadi bagian integral dari trading Forex, karena mereka mampu melakukan perdagangan yang akurat dengan akurasi yang tepat sambil meminimalkan risiko. One of the most popular and effective robots in the market is the Demand and Supply Robot.

The Demand and Supply Robot is a fully automated trading robot that utilizes high-probability institutional supply and demand zones to make trades. This robot is designed to focus on low drawdown and incredible risk management while making profitable perdagangan 24/7. Itu robot uses stop loss and takes profit with every trade, ensuring that every position is managed effectively to minimize risks.

One of the major advantages of the Demand and Supply Robot is its ability to trade in various markets, termasuk Valas, kripto, Emas, Silver, Minyak, Saham, CFD, dan Indeks. It can also work with all MT4 timeframes and assets, providing traders with more options and flexibility. The robot is recommended for a minimum deposit of $500 and leverages no more than 1:100.

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Daftar Broker Terbaik

The Demand and Supply Robot works with any broker and any type of account, tapi kami menyarankan klien kami menggunakan salah satunya broker forex terkemuka tercantum di bawah ini:

NAMA BROKERDAFTARTahun Didirikan Berkantor pusat ManfaatSetoran Minimal Mengatur
Demand and Supply Robot MT4 - EA To Complete Ftmo Challenge 2Daftar2007
Angola Australia
Ches🇾 Siprus
🇧🇾 Bahama
Somalia Seychelles
1:1000$200ASIC, SCB, OJK
Demand and Supply Robot MT4 - EA To Complete Ftmo Challenge 3Daftar2008
Ches🇾 Siprus
1:Tak terbatas$10CySEC, FCA, FSCA, OJK, BVI
Demand and Supply Robot MT4 - EA To Complete Ftmo Challenge 4Daftar2009
Demand and Supply Robot MT4 - EA To Complete Ftmo Challenge 5Daftar2009
Demand and Supply Robot MT4 - EA To Complete Ftmo Challenge 6Daftar2009
Ches🇾 Siprus
Angola Australia
Uni Emirat Arab
1:1000$5 ASIC, CySEC , IFSC
Demand and Supply Robot MT4 - EA To Complete Ftmo Challenge 7Daftar2010
Angola Australia
1:500$200FCA , ASIC, DFSA
Demand and Supply Robot MT4 - EA To Complete Ftmo Challenge 8Daftar2011
🇮🇧 Inggris
Demand and Supply Robot MT4 - EA To Complete Ftmo Challenge 9Daftar2006
🇪🇭 Irlandia

Demand and Supply Robot Settings

Demand and Supply Robot - EA To Complete Ftmo Challenge

The FIFO strategy is an essential part of the Demand and Supply Robot's success. This strategy is designed to give small risk and huge reward ratios per trade. Itu strategy is implemented in every market and ensures that the robot does not triple or double up on its positions, minimizing risks associated with the trade. Every trade has a fixed menghentikan kerugian and take profit parameter that is preset for every trade.

The Demand and Supply Robot is perfect for personal, FTMO, and Prop trading. It has been actively used by members completing FTMO and Prop firm challenges, Dan 20+ AF Supply and Demand Beta Testers have profited from using the software. Even total beginners have been making money using the robot, making it a highly recommended tool for traders at all levels.

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Demand and Supply Robot - EA To Complete Ftmo Challenge

Demand and Supply Robot - EA To Complete Ftmo Challenge

The Demand and Supply Robot is 100% legal and ethical, and it works on any computer, eliminating the need for extra expenses. It is one of the most reliable and efficient trading robots in the market, making it a must-have tool for any serious trader looking to maximize profits while minimizing risks.


Demand and Supply Robot Free Download

We highly recommend trying the Demand and Supply EA with Akun demo ICMarket. Juga, biasakan diri Anda dan pahami cara kerja sistem ini sebelum menggunakannya di akun live.

Get Demand and Supply Robot

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Pengarang: Tim Wiki Valas
Kami adalah tim Trader Forex yang sangat berpengalaman [2000-2023] yang berdedikasi untuk menjalani hidup dengan cara kita sendiri. Tujuan utama kami adalah mencapai kemandirian dan kebebasan finansial, dan kami telah menempuh pendidikan mandiri dan memperoleh pengalaman luas di pasar Forex sebagai sarana kami untuk mencapai gaya hidup mandiri.