EA PatrolMiner 2.0 Arbitrage System Between 2 Makelar

EA PatrolMiner 2.0 Arbitrage System Between 2 Broker 2


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PatrolMiner 2.0 EA Keterangan :

EA PatrolMiner 2.0 Arbitrage System Between 2 Broker 3
EA Patrolminer 2.0 is a forex Expert advisor that uses trigger signals from price differences on other brokers. This EA will compare the market prices of 2 broker, if the fast broker experiences a price increase so that there is a significant price difference with the broker we use, this EA will take the opportunity to open a trading position. The price delay from one of the brokers (slow brokers) is an opportunity for us to get profit with low risk.
Entry point
1. Difference in price (GAP) dari 2 broker
2. The action point is the value of the difference between the prices of the two brokers (trigger open trade)
Exit Point
1. Stoploss and Takeprofit
2. Hidden stop loss and hidden takeprofit
3. Trailling stop
Criteria that must be met as a fast broker for datafeed
1. low spread broker
2. low slippage broker
3. Pialang ECN
Display of EA PatrolMiner 2.0 and serverPatrolMiner 2.0
CATATAN: When attaching EA to the chart, try to disable EA first. so that when we connect to the server, we can first see the different prices shown on the chart. If the price difference is very significant, we need to first calibrate with ask and bid correction so that the price difference between the two brokers is almost the same.

EA PatrolMiner 2.0 Arbitrage System Settings:

EA PatrolMiner 2.0 Arbitrage System Between 2 Broker 4

PatrolMiner 2.0 EA Test:

Download PatrolMiner 2.0 EA (Arbitrage System)


MEMBACA  Safe FX Scalping EA MT4 - A Breakout Strategy for Secure Trading

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