Forex Pairs Correlation EAProfit with low DD


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Forex Pairs Correlation EA Description :


Tradesoft EA Protector is a Forex EA by using a 3 pairs correlation system with reference to the signals from the TPC indicator and the market strength of the three pairs to determine open positions. This EA has been tested in all types of markets both when trending and sideways, so it is suitable for long-term investment.

Signal Trigger Entry Point
1. The TPC indicator determines the trigger signal to open BSS or SBB.
2. Average Strength of 3 pairs if it exceeds 100% then EA will open a position.
3. Both signals must be fulfilled for EA to open a position.

Confirmed BSS and SBB signals on the TPC

Exit Point indicator
1. Profit Targets Achieved
2. Strength less than 90%.
3. The two exit point requirements must be met for the EA to close its trading position.
So if even if the profit target is reached but the signal strenth is still above 100% then the EA will still hold the position and wait until the signal strength value is less than 90%. This aims to avoid failed close positions due to slippage and also to avoid no requotes prices when the market is high volatility.

MEMBACA  EA Breeze v7 Scalper vs Slippage

Display EA


Forex Pairs Correlation EA - Profit with low DD 2

Forex Pairs Correlation EA Settings:


Forex Pairs Correlation EA - Profit with low DD 3

1. Attach the EA to only one pair, PairsA.
2. Attach EA to All Timeframe is the same, because the TF signal has been set on EA.
3. Candlestick filter is a value to determine how much the desired market volatility strength, the greater the candlestick filter value, the less open and vice versa.
4. copy paste the TPC indicator into the mt4 indicator folder (opsional).
5. Can be used at all brokers.
6. Use a balance of at least 1000 $ atau 10000 $ (can use a cent account) so that the DD is low.


Forex Pairs Correlation EA Download


[]Protector Tradesoft EA

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Pengarang: Tim Wiki Valas
Kami adalah tim Trader Forex yang sangat berpengalaman [2000-2023] yang berdedikasi untuk menjalani hidup dengan cara kita sendiri. Tujuan utama kami adalah mencapai kemandirian dan kebebasan finansial, dan kami telah menempuh pendidikan mandiri dan memperoleh pengalaman luas di pasar Forex sebagai sarana kami untuk mencapai gaya hidup mandiri.