Scalper Forex Tumbuh – Versi Gratis


Forex Scalper Grow - Free Version 1

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Deskripsi Pertumbuhan Scalper Forex :

Otomatiskan Trading Forex Anda Hanya Dalam Satu Klik Dengan Mudah!

Tahukah kamu itu 98% pedagang valas ritel gagal pada awalnya 3 berbulan-bulan mencoba berdagang di pasar valas? Alasannya adalah sebagian besar dari mereka kurang pengetahuan dan pengalaman. Not to mention their eagerness to make money instantly with all the wrong information they have. Did you know that with our Grow Forex Scalper, you don’t have to worry about knowing what’s work and what not trading the forex market? Grow Forex Scalper does it all for you.


Modernize your FOREX Trading and

maximize your PROFIT with US!


Who We Are

We are a team of Forex traders and Entrepreneurs with years of experience in financial market. We’ve managed funds from private individuals and we also have developed automated Forex Trading solutions for retail and struggling traders on an institutional level of experience.


What Do We Do?

We trade the Foreign Exchange market full time either manually or automated. We also provide solutions for starting and struggling traders with our Grow Forex Scalper; one of our propriety Expert advisor that trades the Forex market automatically.


Why Us

We have been dealing with the Foreign exchange market for more than 6 years now. Pada dasarnya, with that amount of years of experience we can say that we know what works and what not. These claims can be backed up with our long history of proven track record thru myfxbook and fxstats.


It is a programmed Penasihat Ahli (a term for software that is coded for METATRADER 4 platforms other call it robot) that execute trades based of the preset settings and strategy. It is a combination of scalping, lindung nilai, grid and a conservative Martingale. It has also the unique feature of risk protection that can protect you from large drawdowns and worst from blowing your account in the worst market condition.


  • No more guessing which the market is going.
  • ​No need of putting the hard work
  • No more emotional trading
  • No need to go the painful process of being a successful trader
  • No more placing trades
  • No more testing different strategy​​
  • No need to struggle in winning the Forex market
  • No need to deal with years and years of trading experience

With Grow Forex scalper, you just need to set it one time and the software does all the rest. From analyzing, placing trades, closing trades and managing risk in the worst market condition. How is that possible? Well its impossible if you look back 30 years go, but with all the robustness of the modern technology, there’s seems no end to possibilities.


Make no mistake, Grow Forex Scalper is not your HOLY GRAIL, as it does not exist in forex market, but with our years of experience , we make sure to put everything what we learned to have this thing working. With more than 3 years we just don’t talk, but we have results using our Grow Forex Scalper back up with our third party account verifier using myfxbook and fxstat accounts. If you are busy with your lifestyle and wanting to enter the forex market then Grow Forex Scalper is all you need. Set it once and it will do the rest. No bluff, no hard pitch but pure results as you can see from here.

Forex Scalper Grow Settings:

Forex Scalper Grow - Free Version 2

Forex Scalper Grow Results:

Forex Scalper Grow - Free Version 3 Forex Scalper Grow - Free Version 4

Download Forex Scalper Grow :


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Pengarang: Tim Wiki Valas
Kami adalah tim Trader Forex yang sangat berpengalaman [2000-2023] yang berdedikasi untuk menjalani hidup dengan cara kita sendiri. Tujuan utama kami adalah mencapai kemandirian dan kebebasan finansial, dan kami telah menempuh pendidikan mandiri dan memperoleh pengalaman luas di pasar Forex sebagai sarana kami untuk mencapai gaya hidup mandiri.