RD Robotics Group


Hi Brothers,

Today we share with you a new Trading Robot for the TRD Group Called :



The TRD Ultra version is a basic system of hedging mesh and allows you to rebuild the adviser at your discretion. Suitable for people professionally engaged in stock trading.

TRD Ultra allows you to:

  • choose strategies individually
  • select signal processing periods
  • use a system of auto-selection of parameters for a pair
  • independently establish a method of profit taking
  • build distances between orders, take profits and trailing stops
  • rebuild the adviser without the use of a grid with a loss restriction on the pair
  • limit losses by lock instead of fixing
  • enable and disable trend accounting in the market
  • analyze volatility of the instrument and automatically adapt strategies to it

RD Robotics Group 1

TRD ULTRA EA Daswboard :

choose any Pair et select the time frame H1

RD Robotics Group 2


TRD Prime EA Config :

  • Active the webrequest
  • Add This active url : https://unfructuous-absence.000webhostapp.com/R1/GetLicense

RD Robotics Group 3

RD Robotics Group 4


[ForexWikiTrading.com] TRD Ultra


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Pengarang: Tim Wiki Valas
Kami adalah tim Trader Forex yang sangat berpengalaman [2000-2023] yang berdedikasi untuk menjalani hidup dengan cara kita sendiri. Tujuan utama kami adalah mencapai kemandirian dan kebebasan finansial, dan kami telah menempuh pendidikan mandiri dan memperoleh pengalaman luas di pasar Forex sebagai sarana kami untuk mencapai gaya hidup mandiri.