TS regresi linier


Cukup sederhana, kita harus menggambar saluran regresi linier (LRC) dari besar berlebihan atau rendah, kami masuk dengan entri fraksional ketika layak strategi saluran ekstrem (Saya memanfaatkan EA yang membeli atau mempromosikan ketika layak melintasi garis tren dengan deskripsi yang dipilih), berkonsentrasi pada sebelumnya berlebihan atau rendah. Seek advice from the picture I add, we purchase at level 1-2-3-4...That is averaging down your trades in case your first entry would not attain goal. Averaging down might be very harmful if you do not know the place to common down or in case you enter with a too giant dimension, however finished correctly is without doubt one of the finest strategy to be worthwhile on this recreation.

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Level of entry (POE).
We draw them by projecting the measured transfer of the leg which break the linear regression channel (from level 0 ke 1 within the picture I posted).
If you happen to really feel that the channel is weak and isn't going to final you may wait its BO, projecting the POEs and enter at factors the place the market is extra prone to flip (for instance after a break of a earlier low, confer with the second linear regression channel I marked within the picture posted) and begin constructing our positions from there. You'll be able to select if be aggressive, incrementing the lot dimension at each POE or be conservative and mantain the identical lotsize of the primary POE.

When our positions begin to be worthwhile it is extremely really helpful to begin trailing securing earnings, draw the brand new LRC from the earlier excessive or low which generated the BO of the previous LRC and begin the method once more.

Hentikan kerugian.
We determine the SL based mostly on the historic behaviour of worth, for instance in GY I might shut all my positions at level 5.

Gambar Terhubung (klik untuk memperbesar)
Click to Enlarge Name: usdcad.PNG Size: 32 KB

One other instance on UC Each day chart, by the point the market returns to the purple mark you're break even and you can begin trailing your positions in revenue. If you happen to determine to make use of an aggressive place sizing (mantan. 0.1 heaps at POE1, 0.2 at POE2 and 0.3 at POE3) you'd have began trailing revenue sooner, this comes nonetheless with greater threat and drawdown in your fairness.

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Pengarang: Tim Wiki Forex
Kami adalah tim Trader Forex yang sangat berpengalaman [2000-2023] yang berdedikasi untuk menjalani hidup dengan cara kita sendiri. Tujuan utama kami adalah untuk mencapai kemandirian dan kebebasan finansial, dan kami telah mengejar pendidikan mandiri dan memperoleh pengalaman luas di pasar Forex sebagai sarana kami untuk mencapai gaya hidup mandiri.