Perdagangan EOD Bebas Stres Mudah

Ini mungkin semakin banyak ditulis sebelumnya, dan tidak banyak yang baru di sini. Itu untuk menjaga AKU tulus dan menjaga efisiensiku. I'll add a commerce explorer as soon as I discovered learn how to Easy Stress-Free EOD Trading 1

For the like-minded merchants, jika Anda ingin menjadi bagian dari saya, be my visitor However Please DO NOT CHANGE THE RULES

Aim: Stress-free (if there may be such a factor) buying and selling and making 6%+ per 30 hari (compounded can be 100% per yr)

Am I new? Sure to Foreign exchange Manufacturing unit, however to not buying and selling.

Trading Methodology
Tubuh Waktu: Day by day
Candle Sample: Pinbar (Palu) and Englufing (Bearish and Bullish)
Rationale: As soon as the Sample has been recognised, we zoom out and discover a technical motive why such sample occurred. I search for Help/Demand or Resistance/Provide degree as my primary causes, typically I exploit pattern traces and channels. I do know some individuals use Fib replacements and ratios, however I personally don't imagine in them.
Continuation: If we've got each of the above happy, we glance a number of pips under the low of the sample or few pips above the sample.
The Commerce : We enter a purchase with SL just under the bullish sample. OR we enter a Promote with SL simply above the bearish sample. TP1 = SL and shifting SL to BE after we hit TP1. TP2 is dynamic the place we maintain shifting the SL to only above the excessive (or simply under) the earlier every day candle. I typically bend these guidelines relying on the worth motion I see (this comes with expertise I suppose) so please don't kill me for it, as these are simply pointers and never set in stone numbers

Mudah? Tentu
Bebas stres? Tentu
Worthwhile? We will see

Listed below are some trades I'm in at the moment. I can provide you one million examples type historical past, however I feel you may return and look these up your self. I do not wish to cherry decide trades and that's the reason I'm not doing that. I'm solely going to indicate present setups.

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Name: Eurjpy.PNG
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I'm at the moment on the lookout for EURAUD to setup a protracted setup round 1.5600 derajat, however we have to see Candle Sample there first, then continuation, then we would think about coming into lengthy. Ready patiently ...
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Name: EurAud.PNG
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Pengarang: Tim Wiki Forex
Kami adalah tim Trader Forex yang sangat berpengalaman [2000-2023] yang berdedikasi untuk menjalani hidup dengan cara kita sendiri. Tujuan utama kami adalah untuk mencapai kemandirian dan kebebasan finansial, dan kami telah mengejar pendidikan mandiri dan memperoleh pengalaman luas di pasar Forex sebagai sarana kami untuk mencapai gaya hidup mandiri.