Sistem Scalping Hebat FX-50

I'm unhappy that the best way FXPrime went, jadi mari kita abaikan tentang Canadian Dude dan lanjutkan dengan apa yang kita miliki di thread fxprime. And that's one another.
Jadi semua fxprimer di sini adalah tempat kami dapat melanjutkan dari bagian yang kami tinggalkan, and achieve success merchants.....
I did not need it to have FXPrimes identify as a thread so I picked FX-50. So this thread is for all of us that have been utilizing fxprime, and to new customers.Pertimbangan: and welcome all new merchants which have come to this thread. I have never had a number of time to work on this thread, however John Edwards has spent a number of time bettering this thread. His enhancements are posted on web page 100 and additional.On that web page and subsequent pages you can see all of the templates and indicators. Learn on how this method works. And lots of due to John for his persistence and assist he has executed for all of us.
Click to Enlarge Name: ribbons.gif Size: 42 KB

The energy of this new system:
In just one chart you may easely see what value is doing and why it's transferring! You need not skip from one to a different timeframe, as a result of all the things is in your M1 chart!
I've enclosed a PDF which accommodates a very powerful posts concerning the fundamentals accomplished with charts and explanations.Please discover the newest template and indicators within the zipfile!
Pertimbangan: Priceseries.mqh ought to be positioned in your metatraderexpertsinclude folder.

This technique remains to be in growth, so updates can be posted within the thread and in publish#1.

Have a very good time and good succes in buying and selling to all of you!
Click to Enlarge Name: EURUSDM1a.png Size: 45 KB
LSs posted his full color charts and template and we discovered them very clear to learn. That is why the v3.12 template is up to date proper now.
All credit go to LSs; many thanks in your contributions to this thread!

As a result of the #Kino_close_above_ribbons indiactor remains to be in growth, it's not on this template.

Within the template the TickRibbon and TF30 Ribbon are participating. For those who do not want them, simply delete them.

Newcomers: it's essential to obtain the entire zipfile first.
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Pengarang: Tim Wiki Forex
Kami adalah tim Trader Forex yang sangat berpengalaman [2000-2023] yang berdedikasi untuk menjalani hidup dengan cara kita sendiri. Tujuan utama kami adalah untuk mencapai kemandirian dan kebebasan finansial, dan kami telah mengejar pendidikan mandiri dan memperoleh pengalaman luas di pasar Forex sebagai sarana kami untuk mencapai gaya hidup mandiri.