Saya menantang Anda untuk gagal dengan ini

Selamat siang teman-teman, lanjutkan grafik harian sekali lagi sebanyak yang Anda bisa, sampai sekarang dan mencari bentuk lilin ini:

Sinyal bullish: false breakout/penolakan rendah hari sebelum hari ini, meningkat jika bayangan lilin sinyal cukup lama, AND THEN shut ABOVE extreme's earlier day.
Pending orders above current candle extreme. 0.02 measurement? 0.01 pending order with a TP huge similar to the signal candle, 0.01 pending order with out TP, SL below the min of the pattern.

OPPOSITE for bearish indicators

You probably can search moreover on weekly

Second form of signal (kasar, screenshot 1 Dan 6): if the signal candle has all the situations nevertheless wouldn't shut beneath the day before today's low, BUT shut BELOW the open of the day before today, put a pending order not on the candle signal's low, nevertheless on the low of the day before today. Not a sturdy signal just like the distinctive, nevertheless okay

My backtest's outcomes on GBP/NZD (on daily basis) 1-2 bertahun-tahun: 20440 pips (collectively with SL and with TP on every closing extreme).
Go on charts, do your backtests and report proper right here, i challenge you to fail I challenge you to fail with this 2

“If you have an apple, and i have an apple, and we commerce it, then you and that i on a regular basis have an apple for one. However when you have an thought, and i have an thought, and we commerce it, then we every have two ideas”

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I challenge you to fail with this 3 I challenge you to fail with this 4 I challenge you to fail with this 5 I challenge you to fail with this 6 I challenge you to fail with this 7 I challenge you to fail with this 8
I know what you are pondering: "However it certainly's merely an engulfing" mmmh, positive and no... sometimes positive... you'll see. Search and stick to the ideas
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Penilaian rata-rata 0 / 5. Penghitungan suara: 0

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Pengarang: Tim Wiki Forex
Kami adalah tim Trader Forex yang sangat berpengalaman [2000-2023] yang berdedikasi untuk menjalani hidup dengan cara kita sendiri. Tujuan utama kami adalah untuk mencapai kemandirian dan kebebasan finansial, dan kami telah mengejar pendidikan mandiri dan memperoleh pengalaman luas di pasar Forex sebagai sarana kami untuk mencapai gaya hidup mandiri.